9-Year-Old Girl Suffers Fractured Skull: Teacher Hits Her with Triangle in China

2023-09-11 14:08:04

A 9-year-old girl in Changsha, China, was hit with a triangle by her teacher and suffered a fractured skull. (Picture/reproduced from Jinyun News)

A 9-year-old primary school girl in Changsha, China, was hit by a teacher with a triangle in class, causing a ruptured skull. It took 5 hours of surgery to remove the shattered skull and foreign objects. The girl is still in the intensive care unit and has not yet been treated. Get through the dangerous period. The teacher involved argued that he was originally going to hit the classmate behind the girl, but he hit the wrong person because he didn’t control the distance well. However, this argument is not accepted by parents, and the case is still under investigation.

According to “Jinyun News”, the incident happened on the afternoon of September 6. The girl was doing her homework with her head down in the classroom seat. Suddenly, a triangle unexpectedly hit her on the left side of the head. The blood flow continued, causing blood stains on the table and clothes. , the teacher involved immediately took the girl to the school infirmary, and after finding that it could not be handled, notified the class teacher.

The girl’s parents received a call at 5 o’clock in the evening and learned that their daughter was in the hospital. Her parents rushed there and asked for a computed tomography scan. They found a black shadow inside the head. They immediately transferred the hospital for another check and confirmed that there was something inside the head. The foreign body was immediately operated on, but fortunately it was successfully removed. “The doctor told me that if the child was brought in a little later, he might not be able to wake up.”

It is suspected that the teacher hit someone with a triangle (picture/reproduced from Jinyun News)

After the incident, the family members went to the school, but found that the surveillance footage from that day could not be accessed. The school explained that it was because the school had just started and the newly installed monitors had not been adjusted yet, so there was no picture. This statement was difficult for them to accept. “The school has many monitors. If only the monitors in the class cannot be seen, how can we see the images on the stairs?” Can’t you see the monitors in the waiting area?” They wanted to contact their classmates and parents to find out why their daughter was injured, but many people were silenced. “The teacher told me not to tell anyone about this matter.”

The teacher involved argued that the triangle board was meant to hit the classmate behind the girl because of the rebound, but the rebound hit the wrong person. However, the family members believed that it was impossible. “The child’s head injury was so serious. If it had just rebounded, how could such force have possibly hit the girl?” Skull broken”. In addition, the school’s behavior also made the family members angry. “When we were all asking about the child’s surgery status, the school leaders directly wanted to take away the bag without even asking about the child’s condition.”

The report pointed out that the Education Bureau has suspended the school’s party branch secretary and the teacher involved. The teacher involved was criminally detained in accordance with the law on suspicion of intentional injury, and the case is under further investigation.

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