9 Tips to Keep Running When It’s Cold

2023-11-04 14:19:56

If running is not recommended when temperatures rise, you have no reason to deprive yourself of it in winter!

Good for the figure, good for immunity, good for morale, above -15°C, put on your sneakers and go breathe some fresh air.

However, to maintain your motivation throughout the season, a few precautions are necessary.

Nutrition, equipment, training, recovery: Sport Equipements gives you all its secrets to keep running when the weather is cold.

Ready, set, run!

Tip 1: adapt your diet

In winter, make way for foods rich in slow carbohydrates and quality fats (fatty fish with a high omega 3 content for example).

Foods like pasta and rice will provide your body with the energy it needs to run.

Eating dried fruit or an energy bar just before departure is also recommended to benefit from a boost of vitality.

After your trainingconsume a meal rich in proteins and carbohydrates within two hours maximum to allow your muscles to recover properly.

Tip 2: take the time to warm up before going for a run

When it’s cold, muscles, tendons and ligaments tend to stiffen, increasing the risk of strains.

Before heading out into the cold, it is better to take the time to warm up the machine inside.

For well-prepared muscles, the recommended duration of a warm-up is around half an hour, to allow your body to gradually increase its temperature.

Once outside, focus on a gradual increase in intensity.

Jogging at short strides for a quarter of an hour, followed by brisk steps, knee raises and buttocks heels, considerably limits the risk of cold-related injuries.

In summary, at low temperatures avoid asking too much and too quickly from your body.

At the start of your session, it is not uncommon for your nose or throat to burn.

So take the time to acclimatize without giving up. Run in full winter is very beneficial for the body, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it!

Tip 3: equip yourself correctly

If you just need to wear simple shorts/t-shirt to go running in summer, we don’t hide from you that the preparation is a little more tedious in winter.

However, equip yourself with clothes techniques adapted to the cold is essential so as not to turn into an ice cube and stay motivated throughout the winter.

It’s already difficult to find the motivation to go out and face the cold; unsuitable clothing will certainly end up discouraging you.

So here are our advice “dressing” to continue running when it’s cold. Layer the layers Feeling stuck during a run is anything but pleasant.

We therefore recommend that you opt for thin clothing and layer the couches.

Today, technical clothing incorporates cutting-edge technologies and generally allows you to warm up quickly without overdressing.

To make sure you don’t get cold, adopt the three-layer technique:

A first layer close to the body, insulating and breathable (Warm underwear style); A second layer to insulate you from the cold; A third windproof or water-repellent layer depending on the weather conditions.

For the bottom, you can also equip yourself with blood circulation tights.

This garment has the effect of stimulating blood circulation, thus preventing clotting caused by the cold.

The little extra: store your clothes in a warm place before putting them on. Your start to course will only be more pleasant.

Dress in dark shades

Dark colors absorb the sun’s rays and offer better reproduction of the heat.

In winter, relax the white in favor of black in order to take advantage of the (rare) solar rays. Be careful, however, to remain visible!

In winter, the light is often low.

To avoid the risk of being hit by a careless motorist or cyclist, choose jackets and tights equipped with reflective strips.

If you go running at night, don’t forget your headlamp and prefer lit places.

Cover the ends

The feet, hands and head are particularly sensitive to the cold.

It is therefore essential to cover them well. Before going for a run, put on your gloves, thick socks, hat and neck warmer.

Today, you will find high-performance equipment at a perfectly affordable price to benefit from fine, breathable and insulating accessories. Ideal for running comfortably without being cold.

Wear good shoes

In summer as in winter, choosing quality shoes is essential to protect your joints. During the winter season, also be sure to wear waterproof sneakers to keep the feet dry in case of snow or rain.

Good to know: in order to be comfortable in your shoes, it is generally advisable to choose a pair of sneakers slightly larger than your usual size. This precaution prevents the phenomenon of compression, which causes the feet to cool.

Tip 4: remember to hydrate

The feeling of thirst comes more quickly in summer than in winter. However, cold air dries out the bronchi and mucous membranes, which are then more permeable to viruses.

Furthermore, breathing cold air accelerates dehydration. When running in winter, it is therefore important to remember to drink enough.

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Avoid leaving without your water bottle and regularly drink small sips of water during, but also after your running session.

For prolonged outings, choose plastic water bags. Pressed against your back, the water will be warmed by your body and will not risk freezing.

Tip 5: Breathe

In winter, it is best to run with a thin scarf over your mouth in order to inhale slightly humidified air.

Depending on your running intensity, it is advisable to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

This technique breathing helps warm the air before it enters your lungs.

For longer sessions, breathing and exhaling through your mouth is still recommended to properly oxygenate your body.

Read also: How to breathe properly while running: the real good method

Tip 6: run against the wind at the start of the race

Face the wind!

So yes, now that you have managed to brave the cold, you are also asked to endure the wind from the start.

But believe us, it’s for a good cause.

Having the wind at your back makes it easier to run, but it has the unpleasant effect of cooling you down more.

When you are not yet very warm, it is better to head into the wind!

Tell yourself that when you return, once your legs are very tired, the wind will push you into your shower more quickly!

Tip 7: slow down

In winter, the body requires a lot of oxygen to function. Breathing do more intense and the pulmonary alveoli retract.

Consequence: the lack of oxygen can create a feeling of shortness of breath, or even sawn legs.

To limit this phenomenon, lower the intensity of your effort when temperatures drop.

To be sure to complete your session, choose a less intense race, avoid intervals and take advantage of winter to improve your endurance.

Tip 8: be extra vigilant

During the winter season, the light is lower, the ground is more slippery and night falls more quickly. To continue running safely, it is better to be extra vigilant so as not to risk falling.

In town, pay particular attention to the white stripes of pedestrian crossings as well as manhole covers.

These smooth surfaces tend to turn into real ice rinks when the temperatures are around 0°C.

If you prefer to run in the great outdoors, pay attention to the stones which can also become very slippery.

Furthermore, keep in mind that a cold ground is weakened. So be careful where you step and if you’re not sure of the terrain, slow down! For once, we won’t hold it against you…

Tip 9: shower and moisturize as soon as you return to warm weather

Are you back warm and cozy?

Don’t wait to shower. Hot water will warm your corps and will relax your muscles.

A crucial step to avoid cold snaps and body aches.

Also remember to hydrate your skin well with a solution rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. The cold dries and irritates the skin, causing unpleasant tightness and itching.

And above all, don’t forget to drink and stretch before returning to your activities!

Is it dangerous to run in cold weather?

The cold tends to put more strain on the cardiac system to keep the body healthy. temperature and ensure blood circulation.

The heart is therefore more stressed in winter than in summer, which increases the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.

To continue running in winter without putting your health at risk, give yourself rest days and lower the intensity of your efforts! Running in winter is full of benefits, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it!


You don’t plan to stop run despite the temperatures continuing to drop? You are right, jogging in the heart of winter is particularly beneficial for your health.

So that your sessions do not turn into a real ordeal, you must however adapt your practice.

Eat enough, dress properly, choose endurance over intensity and stay alert on the terrain. So, are you ready for some invigorating winter outings?

Updated by Manon on: 04/11/2023

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