9 out of 10 graduates with a master’s degree are satisfied with their education

9 out of 10 graduates with a master’s degree are satisfied with their education

New graduates from medicine and law are also most satisfied with the relevance of their studies to working life. Among the pedagogues, a large proportion say that they are dissatisfied with how relevant the education is for the job.

It shows part two of the so-called candidate examination to the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. Part one, which came out in April, showed that 9 out of 10 graduates with a master’s degree were in work six months after finishing their education.

There is also great variation between the educational institutions in how satisfied the new graduates are with their education. The Norwegian University of Environmental and Biosciences (NMBU) and the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) have the most satisfied master’s candidates, while the University of Western Norway (HVL) has the least satisfied. Much of the difference can be explained based on the types of education offered.

The survey shows that it pays to take a master’s degree, concludes Research and Higher Education Minister Oddmund Hoel (Sp).

– At the same time, we see that new graduates from some professional courses do not feel well enough prepared for work and that they miss professional follow-up, both during the course and as a new employee. That is why we have taken steps to incorporate more of the experience-based knowledge into the educations and make the educations more like the reality the students encounter in working life, says Hoel in a press release.

#graduates #masters #degree #satisfied #education
2024-08-14 10:47:39



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