9 Million French People: Unexpected Tax Transfer from the State

2024-01-13 19:03:00

Will you be affected by a tax transfer? In a few days, 9 million French people will receive forgotten aid from the State.

A transfer of forgotten taxes? In a few days, some 9 million French people will have the chance to receive an unexpected transfer from the State.

The tax transfer has ended

In 2023, like every year, taxable French people paid taxes, a sum in the form of several transfers. And this year again, a deadline was imposed on them.

The French had until December 6 to declare, check and pay their taxes. For taxpayers wishing to make a correction, they had until 11:59 p.m. to do so, on the online correction service.

The new tax notice was therefore sent immediately. Then, on December 13, this gave rise to a modulation or cancellation of the advance payment reduction or tax credit.

As explained the Moneyvox website, if an individual stopped caring for a young child during or at the beginning of 2023, the latter had the possibility of modifying the payments. This allowed him to avoid paying a large balance at the end of summer 2024.

Then, on December 15, the moment came of the monthly direct debit, or even the housing tax. As the tax website reminds us, the date of Friday December 15, 2023 also represents an important moment in this last month of the year.

If you are an individual, you had until this date to pay your housing tax if you do not use an electronic payment method. Regarding vacant housing, if you are an individual, you have until this date to pay your tax. It concerns vacant housing.

Fewer taxes planned for 2024

In 2024, the law does not envisage not a reduction of French income tax. On the other hand, there will be a change in the scale on the part of the State.

After several consecutive years where tax cuts have always operated, so the state plans to take a break in 2024. To do this, it does not plan any reduction in the income tax rate.

On the other hand, there is one thing which will evolve. Indeed, unlike other years, it will be possible to earn money. And this, thanks to the reform of the ISR scale.

This information is part of the action plan of the government’s finance bill. The latter are therefore once again considering the reassessment of the income tax scale.

The latter will be at a rate of 4.8% outside of tobacco price. This scale thus determines the thresholds from which there will be an application of a new tax rate.

The objective will therefore be to avoid see employees with increased income. Faced with rising prices in 2022 and then in 2023, many employees have obtained an increase in their salaries. And the government plans not to tax the highest salaries.

A payment straight from taxes to 9 million French people

It’s a pleasant surprise that’s coming for millions of French. Despite the increase in daily rates in the new year 2024, part of the population will benefit from a deposit of money directly into their bank account soon.

Contrary to expectations linked to the employer or the CAF, it is taxes which are at the origin of this good news. Every year, in mid-January, for several yearsthe tax authorities grant an amount to many taxpayers to assist them in paying certain expenses.

This financial aid, with an average amount of nearly €630, will be paid in the coming days to those who are eligible. Contrary to certain devices, eligibility is not determined by income.

This means that the wealthiest like the most modest can benefit from this assistance. People eligible for this transfer include those who employ housekeepers and babysitters. Assistants for the elderly or those who have their children in daycare.

Each year, taxes reimburse a part of the costs incurred for these expenses at varying rates. In January, the tax authorities will make a first payment, covering 60% of the refund. The remaining 40% will be paid later in the summer.

9 million French people – BL tax transfer

Hi, I’m Ruben, the new web editor at Tuxboard.com. Freshly graduated from a journalism school in Paris, I am passionate about media news, television shows and sociology. I am enthusiastic about sharing with you my articles and my analysis of the news on Tuxboard.

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