9 foods that are good for a tired stomach after overeating

At some point, because of stress or because of food that pulls your appetite, there are cases where you can’t hold back your appetite and overeat. Weight gain following overeating is a problem, but a bloated stomach and a stomach tired of food are a bigger problem. Here are 9 foods that soothe a stuffy stomach following overeating and take care of a tired stomach.


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Oranges not only taste sweet and sour, but are also rich in vitamin C, which helps to activate metabolism and digest fat. Vitamin C is also good for boosting energy and energy. You can get enough fiber by eating fruit instead of sugary juice.


Since binge eating disorder is mostly associated with depression, eating foods that can help fight depression is a good idea. Magnesium plays a role in improving mood, and it is abundant in broccoli. Half a cup of cooked broccoli provides regarding 13% of your daily magnesium.


Eating yogurt helps when you feel sick to your stomach following a binge. Lactobacillus, the ‘good’ bacteria, can balance the bad bacteria and soothe gas and diarrhea in the stomach. To reap the benefits of good bacteria, it’s a good idea to eat yogurt that contains live active cultures.


Bananas are high in potassium, which can help mitigate the effects of a high-sodium diet. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

If your blood pressure is elevated from eating too much sodium, bananas can help. It is rich in potassium, which can help mitigate the effects of a diet high in sodium and lower blood pressure.

green tea

Green tea is rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids can help lower levels of LDL cholesterol, also called ‘bad’ cholesterol, and bring elevated blood pressure back to normal.


Eating ginger when you have gas in your stomach following binge eating can relax the muscles in your digestive tract and help expel gas. You can drink it as a tea, add pickled ginger to salads, or add it to smoothies.


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Eggs are rich in heart-healthy nutrients. The protein in eggs, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin, and folic acid all help lower the risk of heart disease from binge eating. If you add vegetables and eat it as an omelet, you can also take care of fiber. If you are worried regarding cholesterol, you can omit the yolk.


Vitamin B2, which is abundant in spinach, helps metabolize fat and fight disease and infection to maintain health. Green leafy vegetables are best eaten raw or lightly steamed. Boiling them in water can lose important vitamins and nutrients.


Sprinkling vinegar on a salad can help keep blood sugar levels fluctuating due to binge eating. It helps lower the glycemic index, which has been raised by eating too many carbohydrates. However, be careful as eating too much can cause stomach upset.

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