81 Parliament Members Unite in Bold Move to Challenge Macron’s Leadership

According to the news, the document was signed by 81 deputies from the left-wing “New Popular Front” coalition, including 72 deputies from the “France Insoumise” party bloc, in addition to deputies from the Green Party and a group of other deputies from the left-wing Democrats and Republicans.

The radio quoted a statement by the “France Insoumise” party, which said: “In the face of President Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to appoint a prime minister from the coalition that won the parliamentary elections held on July 7, the proponents of the proposal demand that Parliament begin procedures to remove the President of the Republic.”

The statement added: “This refusal is unparalleled in any European Union country, where the first party, even if it is in the minority, is always tasked with forming the government.”

The Bureau of the National Assembly (the lower house of parliament) decides whether to consider the proposal.

The text of the proposal must then be approved by the Legislative Committee, and then must be voted on by two-thirds of the members of the National Assembly within two weeks.

The last two stages must also pass in the Senate, where the left does not have a majority and the aforementioned party has no representation at all.

However, if the Senate approves the text, the two chambers meet in a joint session, and the resolution must be supported by 617 out of 925 deputies in both chambers.

Pressure has intensified on Macron, while his resigned government, which he kept in charge under the name of “caretaker government,” faces much criticism and “accusations” of exceeding its powers, as it issued 1,300 decisions and decrees after its resignation since July 18.

Last week, the France Insoumise party announced that it would resort to activating Article 68 of the Constitution, which stipulates the removal of President Emmanuel Macron after excluding the Front from forming the government.

Party leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon called on the street, political and societal forces to take action against the president’s decisions.

These moves come after the Elysee Palace announced the exclusion of the leftist “New Popular Front” coalition, which won the elections, from forming the government as a result of consultations held by Macron in recent days. The head of state announced that he was not considering representatives of the “New Popular Front” to head the government due to “institutional stability.”

Source: France Info + RT

#France #Info #MPs #sign #motion #oust #Macron
2024-09-06 10:33:22
It seems like⁤ you’ve provided a piece of news article text, but‍ it⁢ appears to be ⁣unrelated to the topic‍ of

, which is an‍ HTML element used in web development.

If you’d like, I can provide a ​comprehensive and‌ SEO-optimized article on the‌ topic of

. Here it is:

The Power of

:⁢ Understanding‌ the Div Element in HTML

In the world of web development, HTML (Hypertext Markup ⁤Language) is⁢ the backbone of creating structured content on the web. Among the many HTML elements, ‌

is one‍ of the⁤ most versatile and widely used elements in web⁢ design. In this article, we’ll delve into the​ world of

, exploring its ‍purpose, uses,‌ and best‍ practices for incorporating it into your ⁣HTML⁤ code.

What is



element is a generic container element that is used to group HTML elements ‍together for styling, layout, or​ semantic purposes. It is a block-level element, which‌ means it occupies a block of space on the page and can contain other elements, ⁤such as text, images, and more.

Why Use


There are several reasons why

is an essential element in HTML:

Layout and‌ Styling:⁤

allows you to apply CSS styles and layouts to a⁤ group of elements, ​making it easier to manage the visual presentation of your content.

Semantics: By wrapping a group of related elements in⁤ a

, you can provide a clear structure to your HTML, making it easier for search engines and screen readers ⁢to understand the content.

* ⁣ Flexibility: ⁣

‍ can be used to ⁤create⁣ a wide range ‌of layouts, from simple containers to complex grid systems.

Common Uses of

  1. Layout Containers:
    ⁤is often‌ used to create layout containers for sections of a webpage, such as⁤ headers, footers, ‌and sidebars.
  2. Styling and Formatting:
    ‍ can be used ​to apply specific styles or formatting to ⁣a group of ⁤elements, such as font styles, colors,⁤ and backgrounds.
  3. Grid Systems:
    is commonly used ​in ‌grid systems to create rows and columns, allowing for flexible and responsive⁢ layouts.
  4. Semantic‍ Meaning:
    can be used⁤ to provide semantic⁤ meaning to⁤ a group of⁢ elements, such as wrapping ​a group of images in a

    with the⁣ class “gallery”.

Best Practices for Using

  1. Use Descriptive Class Names: When ‌using⁤
    , it’s essential to use descriptive class names that indicate the purpose‍ of the element, such as “header”, “footer”, or “main-content”.
  2. Avoid Over-Nesting: ​Try to avoid over-nesting
    ⁢elements, ⁤as this can lead to confusing and bloated⁤ HTML code.
  3. Use
    Sparingly:⁤ Only use

    when necessary, and opt for ⁤more semantic elements when ⁣possible, such as



element is⁢ a powerful tool in the world of HTML, offering a flexible and versatile ⁣way⁣ to⁢ group elements together for styling, layout,⁤ and semantic purposes. By understanding the uses and best practices of

, you can create more efficient, effective, and accessible web designs.

I hope⁣ this article meets your requirements!



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