8 yoga postures to try to release tension while you breastfeed your baby

2024-03-12 15:05:24

Yoga and breastfeedingthis is a winning combo!

By adopting yoga postures while feeding your baby, you will allow your body to adopt a proper position while releasing tension.

Ideal for feeding baby in the best conditions and enjoying this special one-on-one time.

Sitting on the ground, on your sofa, on a public bench or lying in your bed, Sport Equipements offers you eight yoga postures which will allow you to settle down comfortably and in record time when baby is starving.

#1 Breastfeeding cross-legged

The cross-legged position is a classic yoga and breastfeeding posture.

Here’s how to make yourself and your baby comfortable.

The first tip to remember is not to carry your little one with your arms during the feeding phase. Otherwise, you risk tensing your trapezius muscles.

The solution ?

Drag one nursing pillow around your back before passing it under baby to effortlessly bring it to the level of your breast.

If you don’t have a nursing pillow, a simple pillow slipped under the knee can also do the trick.

As baby grows, the lying position across your body often becomes more complex to adopt.

If the posture seems uncomfortable to you, try to install itastride your stomach then lean it slightly towards your breast before securing it with one arm.

This will also allow you to change sides more easily.

#2 Cocoon arms

You don’t have a nursing pillow or a classic pillow on hand?

Opt for the cocoon arm breastfeeding posture.

To do this, sit on a floor mat with your back against the wall.

Stretch one leg, cross the other over it so that your sole rests on the ground.

Then grab your raised leg at the knee, crossing your hands to hold it in position.

Place baby in the cocoon formed by your legs and arms, close to you.

This posture helps you keep upright bust during feeding and at the same time offers a pleasant stretch for the arms.

Perfect for relaxing while baby enjoys your milk.

#3 The cow snout

The “cow snout” is so designated because the final position is reminiscent of the animal, the knees symbolizing the snout and the feet, the horns.

Besides its nice name, this yoga exercise reveals itself excellent for the backbecause it forces the spine to remain straight during breastfeeding.

At the same time, it allowssoften the hips and lower backwithout feeling like you’re making an effort.

Sitting on the floor with your newborn in your arms, straighten your legs.

Then bend one leg and cross over the other, before bringing the heel of the still extended leg to the level of your buttocks.

Place your knees on top of each other, keeping your buttocks in contact with the floor.

Then place baby on your leg, grab the top knee with your hands crossed and bring it towards you to bring your little one closer to you.

Switch sides after five minutes. Breastfeeding in the cow snout pose requires a certain amount of flexibility.

If you’re too stiff, simply add a cushion under your butt.

Another solution: the posture known as “ half cow’s head » allows you to breastfeed with only one leg crossed.

In this case, simply stop at the first step of the movement, without bringing your heel under your buttocks.

Read also: 8 ideal yoga postures to share with your baby from 1 month old

#4 Semi-squatting breastfeeding

The semi-squat position can be practiced whenever you feel comfortable with breastfeeding.

It offers a very good back posture by allowing you to hold baby using your knees.

Note that this posture can be performed on a mattress, a low stool or an adjustable chair (Tripp Trapp® type).

To breastfeed baby semi-squat positionsit with your knees slightly forward, your heels under your buttocks.

Place the weight of your body on your feet and not on your sit bones. Spread your knees to create space for your little one to sit.

House him comfortably across your legs.

Positioned in this way, you will be able to free your hands and relieve the back tension.

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#5 Breastfeeding splits and straddle

On the program for this somewhat surprising breastfeeding technique: softening of the legs and stretching of the back.

This “special breastfeeding” yoga posture, however, requires some experience.

Your baby must be agedat least eight months to allow you to be comfortable and feed him in good conditions.

Sit with your legs apart on a floor mat, in front of a previously installed cushion.

Then place baby astride you, one leg on each side of your stomach. Put him to the breast then lean forward until it rests on the cushion.

As you bend, keep your back straight. If the movement pulls too much, raise baby by adding a second cushion.

Then place your hands on the ground on either side of your offspring to feel your body stretch.

This posture can also be performed with a bent leg on which you will place the cushion, then baby.

This movement requires less flexibility, which makes it more accessible. However, its effectiveness is limited onsoftening of the hips.

#6 Breastfeeding horizontally

Once comfortable with breastfeeding, you can also opt for lying position. Advantages ?

Significantly reduced demand on the perineum and the possibility of remaining lying down, especially during nighttime breastfeeding sessions.

Admit it, you can’t refuse it!

Pour breastfeed horizontallylean against a cushion large enough to cover your entire back.

Place another cushion under your head and bend your knees to relieve tension. Place baby against you, his mouth at the level of the lower breast.

When you need to change sides, turn your torso slightly inwards, without changing position, until your upper breast comes to the level of your child’s mouth.

If your arm bothers you, place it above your head, on a cushion.

Although your body is slightly twisted, propping it up with cushions does not generate no tension.

The extra tip : place a small cushion on the baby’s back to also allow him to be propped up.

#7 Side-leaning breastfeeding

Breastfeeding in a horizontal position is not always suitable, especially for babies prone to regurgitation.

In this case, test breastfeeding in an inclined position, on a flat cushion raised at an angle of at least 30°.

This posture is very easy to adopt on a sofa. Sit yourself and your baby on the previously raised flat cushion.

Place one arm under your head and hold your little one with your other arm, your hand behind their back.

Installed in this way, you will allow your back to stretch while releasing muscle tension.

#8 Yoga postures for breastfeeding on a bench

Difficult to breastfeed comfortably on a banc. When you have no choice, here are three postures that will put you in the best possible conditions:

  1. Hero Stance. On the side, one leg in the air, foot on the ground while the other leg is folded on the bench and rests against the backrest, place baby in the crook of your knee, propped against the breast.
  2. Half Cow Head Pose. Cross one leg over the other, placing the foot of the bent leg on the white. Place baby on the bent leg and, if necessary, hold your ankle with one hand.
  3. Crouching. Squat on the bench with your back against the backrest before placing your baby at your breast.
sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Manon on:12/03/2024

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#yoga #postures #release #tension #breastfeed #baby

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