8 Unique Transportation Methods Exclusive to Indonesia

Illustration – Cidomo (Doc.MI)

HAVE you ever ridden a pedicab? Or maybe transportation modes such as cars and motorbikes have become an everyday sight?

However, did you know that Indonesia has various types of unique transportation that cannot be found in other countries?

8 typical forms of transportation that still exist in Indonesia and offer their own unique attractions for tourists


1. Cidomo, Lombok

Cidomo, short for “Cikar Dompret”, is a typical transportation of Lombok Island that is similar to a delman. Cidomo is a small cart pulled by a horse. The fare varies depending on the route, starting from IDR 40 thousand to IDR 125 thousand for around the island.

Also read: These are the Riskiest Modes of Transportation and Efforts to Reduce the Number of Accidents


2. Bentor, Medan-Aceh

Bentor, short for becak motor, is a typical transportation of Medan and Aceh. Bentor combines becak with motorbike, changing the traditional way of pedaling to a more modern way with an engine. The fare starts from IDR 10 thousand and can reach IDR 100 thousand depending on the distance traveled.

Also read: National Transportation Day 2024: Transformation and Development of Public Transportation in Indonesia


3. Rickshaw, Semarang

Also read: Let’s get to know the meaning of transportation and its types

Becak is a modified bicycle to carry passengers. It can be found in several cities in Central Java such as Solo and Semarang, and was once in Jakarta before it was banned. Becak is now also a tourist attraction, especially in Semarang.

(Invitation-Earrings- Rental)

4. Ontang Earrings, Bandung

Ontang-Anting is an open vehicle that can be found in Kawah Putih, Ciwidey. Its shape is similar to regular public transportation, but without walls on the side, equipped with tarpaulin to protect passengers from the rain. The fare is around Rp27 thousand for a round trip.

(Bajaj – MI/Ramdani)

5. Bajaj, Jakarta

Bajaj, with its distinctive smoke and sound, is a unique transportation that can be found in Jakarta. Currently, bajaj has switched to using gas fuel (BBG) to reduce pollution. Bajaj can carry three people including the driver and is often found around stations and markets.

(Klotok Boat-Doc.MI)

6. Klotok Boat, Banjarmasin

Klotok boat is a water transportation used to explore Martapura River and floating market in Lok Baintan. Ticket price starts from IDR 10 thousand per person, and this boat is also used to access remote villages.

(Trolley Motorcycle Taxi-Banyuwangibagus)

7. Trolley Bike Taxi, Ijen Crater

Trolley taxis are an alternative for tired or injured climbers in Ijen Crater, Banyuwangi. The trolleys that are usually used to transport sulfur are now also used as transportation for climbers. The fare is around IDR 300 thousand to go up and IDR 100 thousand – IDR 200 thousand to go down.


8. Bemo

Bemo is a three-wheeled vehicle that can carry 5-7 passengers. Although its existence is fading and has been banned from operating in Jakarta since 2017, bemo is still a symbol of transportation history in Indonesia.

Hopefully this information provides insight into the richness of Indonesian transportation culture, which is not only practical but also full of color and character. (Z-3)

#Unique #Typical #Transportation #Indonesia

Carry passengers are pulled by two bicycles ⁢and offer a unique experience ‍for those exploring the volcanic area. Fares vary based on⁤ distance and conditions.​ ‍

Exploring Indonesia’s Unique Transportation‍ Modes: A Cultural Adventure

Have you ever ridden⁢ a pedicab or seen ‌transportation modes that are ⁣uncommon in‌ other countries? Indonesia is ⁢home‍ to a diverse range of unique transportation methods that not only provide⁤ a means of ⁣getting from ⁢one place to another but also offer a glimpse into the country’s rich cultural heritage.

In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore‌ eight typical forms of transportation that still exist in Indonesia, offering their own unique attractions⁤ for tourists.

1. Cidomo, Lombok

Cidomo, short for “Cikar Dompret,”‌ is a ‌typical transportation of Lombok Island that is ⁤similar to a delman. This small cart ‌is pulled by a horse and offers a‌ charming way to explore the island. The fare varies depending on the route, ⁢starting from ​IDR 40,000 to⁤ IDR 125,000 for around the island.

2. ⁣Bentor, ‍Medan-Aceh

Bentor, short for becak motor,⁢ is a typical transportation​ of ⁤Medan and Aceh. ‌This innovative mode combines ⁤a‌ traditional bicycle rickshaw with a motorbike, changing the traditional way of pedaling to a‌ more modern way with an‍ engine. The⁢ fare starts from ‌IDR 10,000 and can reach ⁢IDR 100,000 depending on the distance traveled.

3. Rickshaw, Semarang

Becak ‍is a ⁤modified bicycle to carry passengers, which can‍ be ⁢found in⁤ several ‍cities in Central ⁤Java, including Solo and Semarang. This traditional transportation mode was once found in Jakarta before it was banned.‍ Becak​ is now ​also a tourist‌ attraction, especially in⁣ Semarang.

4.⁣ Ontang Earrings, Bandung

Ontang-Anting is an open vehicle that can be found in Kawah Putih, Ciwidey. Its shape is similar to regular public transportation, but⁣ without walls on the side, ⁣equipped ⁣with tarpaulin to protect‌ passengers from the rain.⁤ The fare is ⁣around IDR 27,000 ‍for a round ⁢trip.

5.‌ Bajaj, Jakarta

Bajaj, with its distinctive ⁤smoke and sound, ‍is a unique transportation that can be​ found ⁤in Jakarta. Currently, bajaj has switched to using‌ gas fuel (BBG) ‍to⁣ reduce pollution. Bajaj can carry three people, including the driver,⁢ and is often found around stations and markets.

6. Klotok Boat, ‌Banjarmasin

Klotok boat is a water ​transportation used to explore Martapura River and floating market in​ Lok Baintan. Ticket price starts from⁤ IDR 10,000 per person, and ​this‍ boat is also used to access remote⁣ villages.

7. ⁤Trolley Bike Taxi, Ijen Crater

Trolley taxis are an alternative for tired or injured climbers in Ijen Crater,‍ Banyuwangi.‍ The trolleys that

– What are some unique transportation modes found in Indonesia?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of unique transportation modes in Indonesia:

8 Unique and Typical Transportation Modes in Indonesia

Have you ever ridden a pedicab? Or maybe transportation modes such as cars and motorbikes have become an everyday sight? However, did you know that Indonesia has various types of unique transportation that cannot be found in other countries?

Indonesia, with its rich cultural diversity and geographical complexity, has developed unique transportation modes that cater to the needs of its people and tourists alike. From traditional horse-drawn carts to motorized rickshaws, Indonesia has a fascinating array of transportation options that offer a glimpse into the country’s history, culture, and way of life.

8 Typical Forms of Transportation that Still Exist in Indonesia and Offer Their Own Unique Attractions for Tourists

In this article, we will explore 8 typical forms of transportation that still exist in Indonesia and offer their own unique attractions for tourists.

1. Cidomo, Lombok

Cidomo, short for “Cikar Dompret”, is a typical transportation of Lombok Island that is similar to a delman. Cidomo is a small cart pulled by a horse. The fare varies depending on the route, starting from IDR 40 thousand to IDR 125 thousand for around the island.

2. Bentor, Medan-Aceh

Bentor, short for becak motor, is a typical transportation of Medan and Aceh. Bentor combines becak with motorbike, changing the traditional way of pedaling to a more modern way with an engine. The fare starts from IDR 10 thousand and can reach IDR 100 thousand depending on the distance traveled.

3. Rickshaw, Semarang

Becak is a modified bicycle to carry passengers. It can be found in several cities in Central Java such as Solo and Semarang, and was once in Jakarta before it was banned. Becak is now also a tourist attraction, especially in Semarang.

4. Ontang Earrings, Bandung

Ontang-Anting is an open vehicle



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