8 Unexpected Reasons for Frequent Urination – Causes and Solutions

2023-12-26 12:42:59

Entered 2023.12.26 19:30 Views 1,623 Entered 2023.12.26 19:30 Modified 2023.12.26 01:03 Views 1,623 If you drink a lot of water before going to bed, you can change your habits, but if you have something wrong with your body and want to urinate constantly, check the cause. comes first. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

People who wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom have trouble sleeping, which ultimately makes it difficult for them to sleep well. So why do we wake up to urinate? Even during sleep, the kidneys produce urine as blood flow increases. If the urine itself wakes you up, you must first check the cause. If you drink a lot of water before going to bed, you can change your habits, but if you have something wrong with your body and want to keep urinating, check the cause first. Find out 8 unexpected reasons why you wake up due to urination.

The muscles and ligaments that make up the sphincter play a role in supporting the bladder and various organs around it. However, when you give birth or get older, your sphincter muscles become weaker and the desire to urinate becomes greater than before. The same goes for people with fundamentally weak sphincter muscles. In this case, the situation should generally be improved with Kegel exercises that tighten the sphincter.


◆ In women, the uterus or ovaries are enlarged.

In the case of women, problems with the uterus or ovaries may occur as they age. In particular, diseases such as uterine polyps, ovarian cysts, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer enlarge the uterus or ovaries. As the size increases, the pressure on the bladder increases and the desire to urinate increases.

◆ In men, there is a prostate problem.

For men, as aging progresses, the likelihood of problems with the prostate increases. As the prostate enlarges, the urethra narrows, making it difficult to completely empty the bladder. You always feel the urge to urinate because of the urine remaining in your bladder. Fortunately, most of these problems are unrelated to prostate cancer, so there is no need to worry too much. If the discomfort is significant, relief is possible through medication or surgical treatment.

◆ Drink water 2 hours before bedtime

The most obvious reason for waking up to urinate is the water you drink before going to sleep. If you have a cold or a dry throat, you should drink water even before going to bed. However, if you do not have such health issues, it is generally best not to drink water at least 2 hours before going to bed. If you wake up despite following these rules, it is evidence that there is another medical cause.

◆ I had a urinary tract infection.

Even if you have a urinary tract infection, you may have problems with urination. You may feel pain when urinating and the frequency of urinating may increase. This makes me want to go to the bathroom early in the morning. Men are less likely to develop a urinary tract infection than women, but if the frequency of urination increases and you feel pain or burning when urinating, you may suspect it.


◆ Diabetes or pre-diabetes

If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, your body increases urine output to excrete blood sugar. This makes you want to go to the bathroom even while you are sleeping. If you are often thirsty and go to the bathroom frequently even though you drink plenty of water, you should suspect whether you have a blood sugar problem.

◆ Low levels of certain hormones

As you age, the level of antidiuretic hormone naturally decreases. This hormone plays a role in controlling water content in the kidneys. When levels of this hormone are low, it becomes difficult to control water absorption and excretion, leading to increased urine output. Generally, levels of antidiuretic hormone begin to decrease when you enter your 40s, but it is not until you reach your 60s or 70s that any noticeable changes are detected. If this causes significant discomfort, you can receive medication.

◆ Legs are swollen

Edema, which is swelling of the feet or legs, means that there is excess fluid remaining in the lower body. When you lie down in bed, this fluid in your legs moves and contributes to urine production. You can solve the urinary problem in advance by placing your legs on an elevated level regarding 2 hours before going to bed and encouraging the liquid to move upward.

Reporter Kim Soo-hyun


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