8 trucks, 3 vans and a burned tower leave second recorded attack in La Araucanía | National

A second arson attack was recorded within hours during the morning of this Friday in La Araucanía. The incident took place in Angol, in the Nahuelbuta mountain range, where unknown individuals burned eight trucks, three vans and a forestry tower. Carabineros works in the place.

Carabinieri reported that the arson attack recorded early this Friday in the commune of Angol, in the region of La Araucanía, left eight trucks, three vans and a forestry tower burned.

Colonel Cristian Mansilla, prefect of Malleco, specified that the event occurred simultaneously at three points in the Nahuelbuta mountain range.

“A group of undetermined subjects carrying long and short firearms move within a radius of 1 to 2 kilometers, generating multifocal event sites, where they proceed to intimidate and threaten vehicle drivers,” explained Mansilla.

Specifically, this occurred at a Besalco company site on the Rinconada estate, in the Pillomenco sector.

At around 9:00 a.m. this Friday, one of the affected people contacted Radio Bío Bío in Los Angeles to report the actions of the hooded men, since they were unable to contact the police.

“You always see this on the radio or on TV, but today it was our turn at the Rinconada farm, in the Angol sector (…) some guys arrived regarding half an hour ago, more or less, a little more, in a van red, armed There were regarding five or six of us, they threw us to the ground and burned our equipment,” said the man.

In this way they burned 8 trucks, three trucks and a forestry tower. In addition, pamphlets alluding to the Mapuche cause were found at the site.

Through a social media post, the ORT Toño Marchant of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) was awarded the sabotage action of “two operations, one for the extraction of aggregates from Besalco and one for forestry from CMPC, leaving more than a dozen of machinery totally destroyed in the commune of Angol”.


This is the second armed attack carried out this Friday morning in the region of La Araucanía.

In the Cunco commune, two trucks were completely destroyed and another was damaged during a gunshot attack.



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