8 tips to prevent eye infections and seasonal allergies

With the advent of summer, the chances of developing eye infections and seasonal allergies increase. and eye infections It is also common where the air is filled with bacteria and viruses and eye-related problems such as redness, burning sensation and swelling spread to protect your eyes, some precautions must be taken, according to what was published on the site “ health“.

Here are eye care tips that you should follow:

1. Wear sunglasses

Try to wear sunglasses or goggles when you go out to protect once morest dust in hot weather.

2. Avoid touching your eyes without washing your hands

Try to avoid touching your eyes because no matter if you shake hands with someone who has a viral infection or touch something infected and then touch your eyes means they are infected.

3. Be careful when choosing eye makeup

Make sure to store your makeup in a dry place. A dry, cool setting helps avoid infections and unnecessary bacteria that can damage your products and skin.

It is best to wash your make-up applicators before and following each use because they can transfer microorganisms to your eyes.

4. Regular eye exams

An important aspect of preventing eye infections among children is scheduling regular eye exams and exams each year with your eye doctor.

5. Avoid sharing towels and tissues

Eye infections are contagious, so sharing personal hygiene items such as wipes, towels, and handkerchiefs can be a cause of transmission of infectious bacteria and viruses from the carrier to others..

6. Keep your eyes safe from wind and dust storms

Protect your eyes because strong winds and any dust particles in your eyes can cause irritation and infection that may cause your eyes to itch. It is best to take precautions to prevent dust particles from entering your eyes.

7. Try to avoid wearing contact lenses

Contact lenses can cause severe infections, especially if they are kept in an unsanitary condition or unclean liquid, and can lead to redness, irritation, and sometimes, even severe corneal infection and vision loss, so keep your contact lenses clean and keep changing Fluid contact lenses frequently.

8. Use of medicines

If an eye infection occurs, avoid using over-the-counter medications from a pharmacist because some medications may cause worsening symptoms. Always consult an eye doctor for medication.



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