8 signs that you have stomach cancer.. know them • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Surgeon Daniel Joyce revealed the most prominent symptoms of stomach cancer, as it makes the stomach wall very rigid, reducing its ability to store, and causing fluid to accumulate in it.

1- Stomach bloating: One of the early signs of stomach cancer is excessive bloating in the stomach, to the point that a person may appear to be pregnant in the ninth month.

2- Heartburn: Heartburn is common and there is no cause for concern, but if a person suffers from long-term heartburn that does not go away with antacids or other medications, there may be cause for concern, according to the Cleveland Health Clinic website.

3- Nausea and vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are two signs of a mass growing inside the stomach to the extent that it blocks part of the gastric outlet.

4- General feeling of discomfort: A feeling of discomfort prevails among people with this cancer, as a result of the spread of cancerous tumors in the lining of the abdomen, and the feeling may appear like bloating.

5- Unexpected weight loss: Weight loss comes as a result of physical efforts or food reduction, but weight loss for no reason is a likely sign of stomach cancer, and may be the most worrying symptom.

6- Fatigue: This symptom appears as a result of slow blood loss, which, along with unexplained weight loss, can be a sign of cancer.

7- Blood in the stool: This symptom is less common than others, and it occurs if a person loses a lot of blood, but if the bleeding is very slow, you may not notice anything in the stool.

8- An irrational feeling of satiety: the early feeling comes following eating a small amount of food, and the small amount is measured at regarding 20 percent of the total natural meal a person eats.



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