8 Pages – New music by Molly Sandén

The artist Molly Sandén. Picture: Anders Wiklund/TT

The artist Molly Sandén
have a brand new music
Finish of summer time.

– It’s about
to benefit from the summer time,
she says.

Molly Sanden thinks that
the brand new music is a bit uncommon.
She often makes songs
about what’s tough.
For instance songs
about love that does not work.

However the brand new music
is about being within the second
and do not waste the summer time.

Molly Sandén goes
on tour this summer time.
There can be 20 concert events
in Sweden and Norway.
First live performance is
on June 28 in Skellefteå.

Molly Sandén additionally works
with making a brand new document.

– I’ve robust songs, she says.

It’s not clear when the disc will arrive.


Hearken to the music Finish of summer time

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