8 home remedies for tired eyes

2023-05-04 06:06:19

The eye contour is the thinnest area of ​​the face. Its texture being poor in elastin, collagen and fat cells, it is not surprising that this area shows the first signs of fatigue. There are certainly a lot of cosmetic products to fight against swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. But nothing like the good old remedies of our ancestors to protect them from external aggressions that weaken them.

What are the symptoms and causes of eye strain?

Tired eyes. Source: spm

Do you feel tingling in the eyes? An irritation? Tiredness ? Don’t panic, it’s a very common situation that can be alleviated by adopting simple measures on a daily basis. But what causes this discomfort? According to the medical journal WebMD, the eyes tire easily when used for long periods of time, especially when reading, writing or driving. Bright lights or places that are too dark can also be triggers for eye strain.

Read also: How to eliminate dark circles with natural remedies?

Note that fatigue felt in the eyes can also indicate an underlying problem: eye discomfort, double vision, or a change in visual acuity. Anyway, it is better to plan a consultation with an ophthalmologist!

Tired eyes may look puffy or irritated. Besides taking breaks from the smartphone and the computer, there are other methods that will allow your eyes to rest. Here is a list of practical tips to give them the care they deserve.

How to stop having tired eyes? Hot and cold compresses

Facial care

Facial care. Source: spm

Did you know ? The eyes can be relieved with hot or cold compresses. It’s the quick solution to relieve your eyes. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Place a warm compress over your eyes. This will relax your muscles and relieve fatigue. You can also use a clean washcloth and run it under hot water.
  2. Then put a cold compress on your eyes to increase blood flow to reduce swelling and firm the eye area.

This method was not sufficient? You can complete it by introducing other natural treatments and remedies into your beauty routine.

2. How to soothe your eyes with “palming”?

Among the other methods to relieve the eyes, there is the palming technique. When you feel discomfort, dryness or tingling in the eye, simply use the palms of your hands to relax the area and reduce tension. How ?

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees pointing them towards the ceiling.
  2. Then rub your hands to warm them slightly then put your hands on the eyes, mainly the palms of the hands on the orbits without pressing. Then relax!

This method has several advantages. Not only does it relax the optic nerve but gives a well-deserved break to eyes that are often exposed to light.

3. What trick to reduce eye fatigue? A rose water compress for red eyes heavy with fatigue

To relax your eyes, you can also opt for a soothing rose water remedy. It is an effective ingredient against yellowing of the skin, dark circles and puffiness.

  1. Then soak a compress or a cotton ball with a few drops of rose water.
  2. Lie down then gently place the refreshing compress on the eyes and let stand for a few minutes.

You can also apply rose water directly to your eyelid. Massage gently before placing the compress. To give the eyes their natural glow, this remedy can be applied up to twice a day.

4. What trick to reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes? Cover them with a bag of green tea or chamomile tea

tea bags on the eyes

Tea bags on the eyes. Source: spm

One of the first home remedies to soothe your tired eyes is to use chamomile tea bags. The decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties of tea help tighten blood vessels, soothe the skin and therefore reduce eye fatigue.

  1. Infuse two chamomile tea bags in hot water.
  2. Remove the tea bags and place them in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
  3. Then place the tea bags on the eyelids.
  4. And There you go ! We relax for about ten minutes, letting the decongestant effect of the tea act on the eyelids.

The key is more rested eyes, a reduction in dark circles and puffiness…

5. How to deflate the bags under the eyes quickly? Try the old cucumber remedy

Cucumbers on the eyes

Cucumbers on the eyes. Source: spm

You have probably already tried this remedy on your eyes. Yes, the cucumber remedy also serves to remove puffiness and relax tired eye muscles. Thanks to its high content of vitamin C and folic acid, it stimulates cell regeneration. According to one study published on the scientific publications platform, Science direct, it reduces puffiness and eliminates chemical toxins.
To find a fresh look, two slices of this vegetable will be enough! Follow the steps:

  1. Place a cucumber in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.
  2. Using a knife, cut thick slices.
  3. While lying down, place the slices over your closed eyes.
  4. After about fifteen minutes, remove the slices and observe the result. You will no longer feel any tension in the eyes!

6. How to fight against swollen eyelids? Opt for whole milk

Yes, milk has useful properties to relieve tired eyes. How ? Thanks to the fats it contains, this liquid is able to soothe the eyes and calm irritations.

  1. Take two cotton balls and immerse them in a bowl of cold whole milk, then wring them out lightly.
  2. Lie down before placing the cotton balls over your eyes.
  3. Are you relaxed? Then wait 5 minutes. This is the time needed to feel relief in the eyes.

7. How to stop having tired eyes? Improve your diet


Carrots. Source: spm

A healthy diet rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene is an essential remedy for tired eyes. A high consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also be helpful in maintaining the health of your eyes. Beta-carotene is very present in antioxidants such as carrots, sweet potato, mango, melon, spinach. You can find it in dietary supplements, but be sure to consult your doctor first.

Read also: Deflate the bags under your eyes with this natural trick

8. How to avoid dry eye? Keep your eyes hydrated!

Dry eyes can also explain eye fatigue. Of course, ophthalmic solutions can help moisturize your eyes. But the best way to do this is to drink plenty of water. It is ideal for obtaining bright eyes and a clear and luminous complexion. To relieve the eyes, drink 10 to 15 glasses of water a day! In addition, you will provide the body with the amount of water needed to produce tears.

You have learned about the main natural remedies and easy tips to rest your eyes. It’s your turn to integrate them into your relaxation routine.

Read also: How to promote eyelash growth naturally?

#home #remedies #tired #eyes

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