8 factors that increase the risk of colon cancer..avoid them immediately

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Among the most prominent of these factors, lifestyle and eating habits, and thus it is possible to reduce the risk of developing cancer colon and rectum, by following a set of steps.

While people over 50 are most at risk, evidence suggests that colon cancer rates are rising among younger adults, in part due to some preventable risk factors, including diet.

Life Style "lazy"

Research has indicated that spending a lot of time sitting is a risk factor for multiple cancers, including . Colon Cancer. On the other hand, studies have revealed that physical activity has a protective effect, as it helps reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.

Experts currently recommend exercising for a few hours each week, either by walking, exercising, lifting weights, or something else that raises your heart rate.

The head of the organization said "Fighting colorectal cancer"Angie Davis: "Increase your physical activity. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week".

Lack of fiber, fruits and vegetables

What you eat is an important factor in the risk of colon cancer, as studies have revealed that eating a lot of the fruit Vegetables and whole grains can help to get enough fiber, an important nutrient for preventing chronic diseases such as cancer..

Davis said: "Fiber is important because it keeps it working Digestive Well, it also reduces inflammation that can lead to cancer and other diseases".

ويتعت: "Regardless of your eating style, to prevent cancer it is important that plant foods make up regarding two-thirds of your plate".

Eat a lot of red meat and saturated fats

While it seems that vegetarian foods Like vegetables, they prevent colon cancer, some evidence suggests that animal products, such as Red meat And treatment has the opposite effect, which increases your risk of a number of diseases, most notably heart disease and colon cancer.

Experts recommend that you consume red meat in a few servings per week, and avoid foods such as bacon, sausage and cold meats..

Davis said: "If you choose to eat red meat, eat no more than 12-18 ounces per week, and avoid processed meat as much as possible"according to the website "Insider".

Excessive drinking of alcohol

It is considered Alcohol A known carcinogen, or carcinogen, which can increase the risk of developing multiple types of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.

It is still not clear "A safe amount of alcohol, however some studies have found that there is no safe amount of alcohol, that drinking it can increase the risk of cancer.


it is known that smoking can cause cancerBut the danger is not limited to your lungs only, as it greatly increases the risk of colon cancer as well. Davis advised"Completely avoid smoking".

high body mass index

Maybe BMI (BMI) or the ratio of height to weight, is another clue to your colon cancer risk, according to Davies.

Multiple studies have found that a higher risk of colon cancer is associated with a BMI higher than 25 (which is considered overweight) or 30 (in the obese range), with some evidence that the amount of risk is doubled in people with a higher BMI..

Other medical conditions

Your general health, and the health of your digestive system specifically, can affect your odds of developing colon cancer.

According to the CDC, inflammatory bowel disease andCrohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis affects the intestines and can make you more likely to get colon cancer.

Type 2 diabetes is also associated with a higher risk, regardless of other risk factors such as body mass index and exercise habits.


Heredity also plays a role in cancer risk, so it is important to be aware of a family history of colon cancer or colon polyps (growths within the digestive system).

And due to genetics and other factors, a person can develop colon cancer, even if you have a healthy lifestyle, so it’s still important to be aware of your risks and get screened regularly, according to Davies..

Width: "We have met many patients, especially those with colon cancer andrectum At a young age, who followed healthy lifestyle recommendations to prevent cancer, but got it. Lifestyle changes are important, but they don’t replace screening".


Among the most prominent of these factors, lifestyle and eating habits, and thus it is possible to reduce the risk of developing cancer colon and rectum, by following a set of steps.

While people over 50 are most at risk, evidence suggests that colon cancer rates are rising among younger adults, in part due to some preventable risk factors, including diet.

“lazy” lifestyle

Research has indicated that spending a lot of time sitting is a risk factor for multiple cancers, including . Colon Cancer. On the other hand, studies have revealed that physical activity has a protective effect, as it helps reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.

Experts currently recommend exercising for a few hours each week, either by walking, exercising, lifting weights, or something else that raises your heart rate.

“Increase your physical activity,” said Angie Davis, president of Colorectal Cancer Control. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week.“.

Lack of fiber, fruits and vegetables

What you eat is an important factor in the risk of colon cancer, as studies have revealed that eating a lot of the fruit Vegetables and whole grains can help to get enough fiber, an important nutrient for preventing chronic diseases such as cancer..

“Fiber is important because it keeps it working,” Davis said Digestive Well, it also reduces inflammation that can lead to cancer and other diseases“.

“Regardless of your eating style, to prevent cancer it is important that plant foods make up regarding two-thirds of your plate,” she said.

Eat a lot of red meat and saturated fats

While it seems that vegetarian foods Like vegetables, they prevent colon cancer, some evidence suggests that animal products, such as Red meat And treatment has the opposite effect, which increases your risk of a number of diseases, most notably heart disease and colon cancer.

Experts recommend that you consume red meat in a few servings per week, and avoid foods such as bacon, sausage and cold meats..

“If you choose to eat red meat, eat no more than 12-18 ounces per week, and avoid processed meat as much as possible,” Davis said.

Excessive drinking of alcohol

It is considered Alcohol A known carcinogen, or carcinogen, which can increase the risk of developing multiple types of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.

It is still not clear how much alcohol is safe, however some studies have found that there is no safe amount of alcohol, and that drinking it can increase the risk of cancer..


it is known that smoking can cause cancerBut the danger is not limited to your lungs only, as it greatly increases the risk of colon cancer as well. Davis advised,Completely avoid smoking.

high body mass index

Maybe BMI (BMI) or height-to-weight ratio, is another clue to your colon cancer risk, according to Davies.

Multiple studies have found that a higher risk of colon cancer is associated with a BMI higher than 25 (which is considered overweight) or 30 (in the obese range), with some evidence that the amount of risk is doubled in people with a higher BMI..

Other medical conditions

Your general health, and the health of your digestive system specifically, can affect your odds of developing colon cancer.

According to the CDC, inflammatory bowel disease andCrohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis affects the intestines and can make you more likely to get colon cancer.

Type 2 diabetes is also associated with a higher risk, regardless of other risk factors such as body mass index and exercise habits.


Heredity also plays a role in cancer risk, so it is important to be aware of a family history of colon cancer or colon polyps (growths within the digestive system).

And due to genetics and other factors, a person can develop colon cancer, even if you have a healthy lifestyle, so it’s still important to be aware of your risks and get screened regularly, according to Davies..

She added, “We have met many patients, especially those who have had colon cancer andrectum At a young age, who followed healthy lifestyle recommendations to prevent cancer, but got it. Lifestyle changes are important, but they don’t take the place of screening.”



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