8 cholesterol facts you need to know if you want to keep your heart healthy

Cholesterol is rarely associated with something healthy, but in fact it is in all the cells of our body and is very necessary for our body. True, everything is good in moderation: an excess of cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other unpleasant consequences.

At the same time, cholesterol is surrounded by many myths that actually have nothing to do with reality, Rospotrebnadzor experts said.

1. Not all cholesterol is evil

As mentioned above, we still cannot live without cholesterol. It is he who is involved in the production of steroid hormones, vitamin D and bile acids.

It is important to separate “bad” and “good” cholesterol. “Bad” are low density lipoproteins, they are involved in the transport of cholesterol from the liver to cells. If LDL goes off scale, the risk of heart and vascular disease is high.

And the “good” is high-density lipoproteins. They carry cholesterol back into the liver where it leaves the body. If there is not enough “good” cholesterol, the heart and blood vessels suffer once more.



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