79th United Nations General Assembly: adoption of a declaration on combating antimicrobial resistance

2024-09-27 07:27:55

From September 23 to 27, 2024, in New York, the 193 member states of the United Nations are gathered for the high-level week of the General Assembly, a diplomatic event of the highest importance. This year, the high-level meeting on health focused on the theme of antimicrobial resistance (AMR/AMR). The only high-level “global health” event of this week, the 2024 edition resulted in the adoption of an ambitious political declaration.

The United Nations General Assembly is the main body for developing UN policies. It is located in New York. It offers a unique multilateral discussion space to debate all the themes covered by the United Nations Charter.

For the 79th General Assembly, the week was marked by the United Nations Future Summit on September 22 and 23.

The high-level meeting planned for the health field on September 26 was devoted, for the second time in its history, to the fight against antimicrobial resistance. It is a continuation of the previous one (2016). A political declaration adopted on this occasion led to the creation of the Interagency Coordination Group on AMR (IACG), which subsequently issued a set of recommendations on global governance in the fight against AMR.

High-level meeting on antimicrobial resistance at the 79th United Nations General Assembly

The French delegation, represented by Antoine Saint-Denis, Delegate for European and International Affairs, spoke during the opening segment and during a high-level round table on equity, accessibility, awareness and innovation as a means to combat AMR.

Adoption of a political declaration for strengthened global action on the fight against AMR

The issues of antimicrobial resistance have received increasing attention on the international scene in recent years, particularly in international organizations (WHO, G7 and G20 health sectors, OECD, etc.).

In this context, the high-level meeting concluded with the adoption by consensus of a declaration. France actively participated in the success of the negotiations through coordination between Member States of the European Union with a view to a common EU position.

This ambitious political declaration addresses multiple issues and areas in the fight against AMR, including:

The three healths: human, animal and environmental; Research and development; Production, training and monitoring.

It also provides ambitious objectives to be achieved by 2030:

Commit to intensifying actions with the aim of reducing the number of deaths worldwide associated with bacterial antimicrobial resistance by 10% by 2030; Develop and implement, for all countries by 2030, multisectoral national action plans on antimicrobial resistance. These must be accompanied by national objectives based on an analysis of existing capacities and priorities, inclusive and effective multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms operating at the national level, as well as appropriate and sustainable human and financial resources; Facilitate sustainable financing of international cooperation to support the implementation of these national action plans on antimicrobial resistance, with the objective of reaching US$100 million to catalyze the achievement of at least 60% of countries that have completed funded plans of here in 2030.
What is antimicrobial resistance?

The WHO defines antimicrobial resistance (AMR/AMR) as a phenomenon that occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites evolve over time and become less or not susceptible to drugs. This resistance therefore leads to a loss of effectiveness of antibiotics and other antimicrobials (antivirals, antifungals, antiparasitics). Infections are becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to treat. The misuse and overuse of antimicrobials is the main factor leading to the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens.

France reaffirmed its commitment to the fight against AMR in its new [‘actionname’, ‘external_>_79eme_Assemblee_generale_des_Nations_unies_adoption_d_une_declaration_sur_la_lutte_contre_la>_stratégie_en_santé_mondiale’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘external,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘stratégie en santé mondiale’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘ ‘component_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘content’,’actionpname’, ‘heading_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘>_79eme_Assemblee_generale_des_Nations_unies_adoption_d_une_declaration_sur_la_lutte_contre_la>_stratégie_en_santé_mondiale’])” class=”spip_out” rel=”external”>global health strategy (2023-2027) launched in October 2023. This strategy makes the fight against AMR one of its priorities, through systematic and effective implementation of the “One Health” approach (One Health). It is also recalled that France is committed to promoting the proper use of antimicrobials, the prevention and control of infections, whether bacterial or viral and associated with healthcare or community, to fight against antibiotic resistance – and more broadly enable a better state of health for populations, animals and ecosystems.

The adoption by France of the new interministerial roadmap 2024 – 2034 “prevention and reduction of antibiotic resistancefight against antimicrobial resistance” is fully in line with the dynamics of this ambitious strategy. In order to strengthen the intersectoral actions necessary to pursue these objectives. This document updates the interministerial program for controlling antimicrobial resistance launched in 2016, structured around five components: commitment of each of the stakeholders concerned, development of research, strengthening of the coordination of integrated surveillance tools, work on the arsenal of existing products and the development of innovation, working with the France team to promote France’s international influence.

Ces five components, broken down into 17 strategic objectivesare helping to intensify France’s policy of controlling antibiotic resistance by adopting the “One Health” approach, in line with the declaration adopted on the sidelines of the UNGA.

This roadmap articulates different sectoral plans led by different ministries to fight against antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial resistance (2022 – 2025 national strategy for the prevention of infections and antimicrobial resistance in human health, Ecoantibio 3 plan, national health plan). environment 4, national biodiversity strategy 2030, micropollutants plan 2 in particular).

#79th #United #Nations #General #Assembly #adoption #declaration #combating #antimicrobial #resistance



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