749 Protesters Arrested, According to Tarek William Saab

This Tuesday, July 30th the attorney general of the Nicolás Maduro administration, Tarek William Saab, He offered a press conference in which he reported that so far he has a total of 749 people arrested, which would be involved in the various protests which have been carried out in various states of the country.

Saab said that all those who have destroyed public property will be prosecuted for “acts of terrorism and incitement to hatred.”

They are acts of terrorism, incitement to hatred, calls for extermination and killing Venezuelans.“He said after blaming the Venezuelan opposition and without naming the leader María Corina Machado, when referring to her call to go with families to the voting centers.

The calls to go with our families to go to such and such place, you believe in the virtual reality that you are talking about going with the families to walk. You are putting your families in charge of burning public places and killing Venezuelans.“Saab asked, once again questioning the results of the primary elections of October 22, 2023.

He also condemned the death of a soldier from the state of Aragua, in addition to the number (which he did not specify) of military and police officers who have been injured during these demonstrations.

He also indicated that the headquarters of the National Electoral Council (CNE) in the state of Falcón, as well as the mayor’s office of Puerto La Cruz, in the municipality of Sotillo in the state of Anzoátegui, among others, have been the target of attacks.

During his speech he also showed some videos in which protesters can be seen tearing down a statue of Hugo Chavez in the state of Carabobo and even one of the Indian Coromoto in Portuguesa.

He stressed that these are not spontaneous or peaceful protests, but rather “hotbeds of armed criminals, acting hooded to attack, create chaos and for this to escalate to a national level and become massive events because their message is to seek foreign intervention”.

He reiterated that the number of detainees is 749 people, They will be charged with crimes such as public incitement, incitement to hatred, obstruction of public roads and resistance to authority.while for the most serious crimes they will be accused of terrorism, and their freedom will be immediately deprived.

#Tarek #William #Saab #reports #people #involved #protests #arrested
2024-09-19 04:11:40

– ⁣What led to the protests‍ in Venezuela that resulted in 749 arrests?

Venezuela: Attorney General Reports 749 Arrests Amid Ongoing Protests

On Tuesday, July 30th, Venezuela’s Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, held a press conference to address the recent wave of protests sweeping across the country. Saab reported that a‍ total of 749‍ people have ⁢been arrested so ⁣far, allegedly involved in‍ the various protests that have taken‌ place in‍ multiple​ states.

Terrorism⁣ and Incitement to⁣ Hatred: Charges Against Protesters

Saab emphasized that those responsible for destroying public property will be prosecuted for “acts of terrorism and incitement to hatred.” He condemned the actions of protesters, labeling them as “acts of terrorism, incitement to hatred, calls for extermination and⁣ killing Venezuelans.” The Attorney General’s strong words come ​amidst allegations that opposition leaders‌ have instigated violence and destruction of ⁤public property.

Blaming the Opposition

Saab indirectly criticized Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado, referring to her call for families to gather at voting centers. He questioned⁢ the authenticity of her intentions, suggesting that such actions would only lead to violence ‍and‌ harm to⁣ Venezuelan ​families.⁤ “You believe in the virtual reality that you are ‌talking about going with the‍ families to walk. You are putting your families in charge of burning public places⁤ and killing Venezuelans,” ⁣Saab said.

Condemning Violence ⁣Against Security Forces

The Attorney General ⁢also expressed outrage over the death of a soldier from the state of Aragua,‌ as well as the number⁤ of military and police officers injured during the protests. He condemned the attacks on public institutions, including⁢ the‌ headquarters of the National Electoral Council (CNE) ​in the state of Falcón and the mayor’s office of Puerto‍ La ⁤Cruz, in the municipality of Sotillo, Anzoátegui.

Evidence ​of⁤ Violence and ⁢Vandalism

During the press conference, Saab presented ⁢videos showcasing the violent acts of⁢ protesters, including the destruction‍ of a statue of Hugo Chávez in the state of Carabobo ‌and the Indian Coromoto in Portuguesa. These visuals served as evidence of the non-peaceful nature of ⁣the protests, ‌countering claims of spontaneity and peaceful intentions.

Peaceful Protests or Orchestrated Chaos?

Saab’s report and evidence presented raise important questions about the true nature of the protests in Venezuela. Are these spontaneous expressions of dissent, or are they orchestrated ⁢events aimed at inciting violence and​ instability? ‌The Attorney General’s words suggest the latter, ⁣painting a picture⁣ of a⁢ well-coordinated⁣ effort ⁢to​ disrupt public order and endanger the lives of Venezuelans.

As the situation in Venezuela continues​ to unfold, it remains to be seen how these ⁢protests will impact⁤ the country’s political landscape and​ the lives of its citizens. One thing is certain: the Attorney General’s report and condemnation of violence serve as a strong warning to those involved​ in the protests, and a call ​to action for authorities to ‌restore peace and order.

Keyword List:



Attorney General

Tarek William Saab



Incitement to Hatred

Public Property


María Corina Machado

⁣National Electoral⁣ Council (CNE)

Hugo Chávez

Indian Coromoto







Puerto La Cruz

Public⁤ Institutions



​Peaceful Protests

* Orchestrated Chaos

– What are the reasons behind the ongoing protests in Venezuela?

Venezuela: Attorney General Reports 749 Arrests Amid Ongoing Protests

On Tuesday, July 30th, Venezuela’s Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, held a press conference to address the recent wave of protests sweeping across the country. Saab reported that a total of 749 people have been arrested



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