70,000 cubic meters of sludge will be removed from Lake Neusiedl

By then, Seemanagement Burgenland GmbH wants to have removed a total of around 70,000 cubic meters of mud from the lake. The work, which began last autumn, is currently fully on schedule, said Seemanagement managing director Erich Gebhardt. Two large and four small devices are in use in the communities around the lake.

Mud is examined

The targeted 100,000 cubic meters of sludge that they wanted to remove from the lake was technically possible. However, in two communities it was not possible to work as planned because the settling basins into which the sludge is transported have not yet been fully repaired. As part of the work, the sludge stored in the settling tanks will be examined in the laboratory and used in agriculture to improve the soil in coordination with the authorities, explained Gebhardt.

At the same time, Seemanagement GmbH also takes care of the reeds – especially old kink reeds that are no longer attractive to reed cutters, emphasized Gebhardt. Among other things, reed canals are maintained. In addition, around 5.2 kilometers of fire protection routes were built in the reed belt near Jois in January in advance of the fire drill.

Work is currently underway in Rust, where sludge is being removed from three port facilities. Gebhardt said he was basically satisfied with the work so far: “Everything worked.”


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