I wrote – Omnia Qalawun:
Some people depend on vegetables, especially when they want to lose weight quickly, but with some additions, vegetables turn from healthy into a health disaster due to fats, which leads to weight gain.
In the next report, “Consulto” is a list of the most prominent vegetables that cause your weight to increase, according to the “Eat this” specialized nutrition website.
Vegetables make you gain weight
1- Crispy eggplant
A quarter of a raw eggplant provides less than 25 calories, while the calories increase when fried in oil, in addition to removing the skin rich in antioxidants, in some types of meals such as eggplant tempura, which some people prefer to eat alongside seafood, which causes eating More calories and weight gain.
Also read: Do not fit the diet .. 4 vegetables increase your weight (photos)
2- Beet chips
Some people don’t like the taste of beets, so they cook them sautéed with oil and salt, but this leads to more calories and sodium, both of which are unhealthy when you’re on a weight-loss diet.
Beets provide a high percentage of vitamins and minerals, including iron, as iron levels in beets reach 0.8 milligrams, according to the US Department of Agriculture, which makes doctors recommend them in diets that treat anemia.
Also read: 7 high-calorie foods.. Avoid them in the winter
3- Artichoke and spinach
This meal is considered healthy, but before adding cream cheese and cream, which causes more calories and at the same time an increase in unhealthy saturated fats, which may indicate dangerous possibilities for cholesterol patients.
4- Fried okra
Okra is a low-calorie vegetable, as one cup contains 33 grams, but some people prefer to try it fried. The frying method depends on dipping the okra in corn flour and adding it to the oil, but this method causes a high level of fat as well as high calories. .
Also read: 15 items .. a list of foods with the lowest calories
5-Carrot cake
A group of additives that increase weight are added to the grated carrots, such as: sugar, flour, oil and cream cheese, all of these additives cause weight gain.
6- Garatan vegetables
Vegetable garatin consists of vegetables such as sweet potatoes, beets and parsnips, but it is added to melted cheese, butter and cream, which makes this dish not suitable for a diet aimed at losing weight.
7-fried cauliflower
This type of vegetable is the most popular among other dishes, but it turns from healthy cauliflower, which contains vitamin C and dietary fiber, and contributes to weight loss, into an unhealthy meal aimed at gaining weight due to unhealthy fats in the frying method.