7 useful and easy tricks to learn to organize

The disorder is one of the main enemies of the home organization why in vainannoying and subtract time from productivity when doing different activities. Although it is impossible to always have the casa orderly, it is also real that the excess of things and objects scattered and out of place can affect the Physical Healthand mental and directly influence our mood.

As he usually says Marie Kondothe Japanese who created the philosophy of order, the first step to organize the house is to throw away everything that we do not use or need. But the second step, no less important, is to develop habits to maintain that order without so much effort, and that costs so much to those people who are naturally messy.

Before launching to order it will be convenient to be aware of what really is the house situation. As explained by the creator of the IG account The Organization Wiz, Ingrid Dawna Clarion“so that the organization sea efficientwill have to be applied according to the constitution familiar. It will not be the same for a person who lives alone as for a couple with children.”

The first step to organizing the house is to throw away everything that we do not use or need. Photo: Shutterstock

How to start ordering the house and not give up trying?

To start with a routine of order and organization in the house there are three golden rules that must be followed to the letter: vacate, clean up y organize one room at a time.

In this sense, the professional organizer Brenda Haines explained that in order not to abandon the task in the middle, before starting, two things must be taken into account, “have enough time to start with a space and finish it the same day“.

On the other hand, he advised don’t take it all out at oncebut divide the space into several parts and finish one part at a time, and do not go to the next until not finish with the previous.

The also creator of the IG account your organized spacealso detailed what are the complementary objects with those that will have to be counted on when starting to organize the house, which will help make everything much easier:

· Consortium exchanges black and green or another color to separate garbage from items to donate.

· A stair to reach all the high shelves.

An ironing board. It will serve as a place of support both for folding the garments when organizing the closet, and for separating and classifying all kinds of items.

· A vacuum cleaner. To vacuum corners, closet floors and drawers.

· And of course the tablitas or molds to fold neatly all your garments.

How to tidy up the house and keep it organized: 7 easy and useful tricks

everything is easier when it is organized and tidy”, highlighted Hajnal, who assures that even the most messy people can change the chip and acquire new customs.

As he stressed, “it is an act that with will can be done by the own means, does not involve expenses and the most important, high quality of lifeIn this sense, he also highlighted the importance of discard what is not usedand separate, categorize in boxes what is preserved. Lastly, give it a location and finally label it so that all household members know where to take it from and where to return it.”

Next, 7 simple and very useful tricks to apply and leave the house in order:

1. Clear surfaces

In general the flat surfaces are a magnet for clutter, since all kinds of things accumulate on them. The ideal is to give each one a specific place.

Thus, when ordering, it might happen that a destination is not found for all the objects that were left on the table, or on the piece of furniture, and it is decided to throw them away when realizing that, in addition, they are no longer useful and it does not make sense to keep them.

Placing clothes or important papers in baskets or boxes helps keep order in the house.  Photo: Archive

Placing clothes or important papers in baskets or boxes helps keep order in the house. Photo: Archive

2. Bye papers

Papers pile up easily and add to the clutter. One way to keep them in one place and maintain order is put them in filing cabinets, trays o drawers intended just for that.

However, only the papers that may have a short-term utility should be kept and eliminate those that are useless and only take up space, such as invoices that have been overdue for more than a year or old notes.

3. Dirty clothes, in one place

It is very common to take off dirty clothes and leave them on a chair, on the bed or simply on the floor. The ideal thing to maintain order is use a basket wicker, plastic or other material and place it near the bathroom or bedrooms, which is where one usually undresses.

In this way, it will prevent the garments from being scattered around, and it will help to optimize time because all the dirty clothes will be in one place.

The kitchen is the most used room in the house and the most difficult to keep tidy.  Photo: illustration Shutterstock

The kitchen is the most used room in the house and the most difficult to keep tidy. Photo: illustration Shutterstock

4. The kitchen, the key place to maintain order

It is impossible to keep the kitchen always bright and tidy, because it is one of the most used rooms in the house, but making some changes and incorporate certain daily habits it would be enough to keep everything more controlled.

Cooking requires the use of many elements, so the first step to put general order is to have the utensils and containers in labeled boxes on furniture or on shelves. This will help you find them easily and not have everything spread out on the counter.

On the other hand, a habit to incorporate and put into practice every day is wash while cooking. In this way, the chaos that usually remains at the end of this task is avoided.

5. The bathroom, what is not used daily is saved

The bathroom, in addition to the kitchen, is another of the environments that must remain tidy and that is more difficult to maintain in that state. The accumulation of hygiene products they cause our closets to become cluttered and cluttered easily.

To combat this, it would be convenient to leave visible those products that are necessary on a daily basis and leave aside or eliminate those that have not been used in recent months.

Toys are one of the main reasons why the boys' room is always messy.  Photo: Shutterstock

Toys are one of the main reasons why the boys’ room is always messy. Photo: Shutterstock

6. Winter clothes vs summer clothes

Make the change of clothes every 6 months It can be tedious, but this task will make us keep the closet tidy.

To save work and time, an interesting resource is to use containers and organizers to classify clothes by garment and know where to find what you need for a special occasion following a while without using it.

7. Tidy toys, it is possible

When it comes to a family with children, toys are one of the main reasons why your room might always be messy.

To solve this inconvenience, it is advisable to use boxes, drawers or bags to store them without having to worry too much. In this way, even they might collaborate in maintaining order in their own room.


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