7 sweet-smelling beauties that can keep pesky bugs away from home

Zzzzzzz! Unbearable heat and that annoying buzzing that keeps you awake! It’s summer ! The season we wait for all year round and which has its insurmountable drawbacks. We have it all! Flies, mosquitoes, ticks! Stop looking for expensive products in pharmacies! A few repellent plants that also smell good and your calm sleep in the bedroom is assured. What are these fragrant beauties: we have listed them for you!

They have a dual function: repellent and ornamental plants

No more quiet nights and blankets up to the eyes! It’s hot, you start to suffocate, you go to bed almost naked, showing off your body to mosquito bites. If you manage to fall asleep despite the monotonous buzzing in the morning, you will find yourself covered in red pimples and stubborn itching that torments you all day. And if we use repellent plants!

repellent plants buzzing itching red pimples

Fortunately, there are natural tricks which can keep insects away from the bedroom. There are mosquito traps who capture them before they go inside. It is a well-known fact that insects are attracted to carbon dioxide and the smell of the human body, but do you know that other aromas, those of repellent plants are like a shield during hot nights.

Surround yourself with mosquito repellent plants: citronella

lemongrass repellent plants popular ingredient natural mosquito repellents

Perhaps that’s no surprise, considering lemongrass is a popular ingredient for natural mosquito repellents, patio candles and more. But you might not know that lemongrass is actually an herb that you can plant in your garden. Most lemongrass products are made with the fragrant oil that the plant expels. Research has shown that lemongrass topicals only last regarding two hours because the oils evaporate quickly. Having plants nearby is therefore good insurance once morest parasite bites. Citronella grass can grow up to six feet tall and six feet wide, so be sure to space them accordingly. The grass also prefers filtered sunlight, that is, with a tree nearby and frequent watering.

Insect repellent plant: lavender

Lavender Repellent Plants Stunning Garden Border Addition

planted like a stunning addition to your garden, lavender helps deter mosquitoes. Research reveals that lavender essential oils repel most species for six to eight hours. If you grow the fragrant plant as border around your home, it can also attract helpful pollinators to create a profusion of purple blooms. Lavender should be planted regarding 2 to 3 feet apart to have more room to grow, and thrive in full sun. Water it once or twice a week, depending on the dryness of the soil.

An eye-catching mosquito repellent plant: marigold

marigold repellent plants popular with landscape gardeners

It’s not just the orange color that makes it popular with gardeners and landscapers. Marigold has several insecticidal constituents (i.e. compounds that repel several types of insects). Like other insect repellent plants, the scent of marigold flowers can repel insects. In addition, this plant does not take up much space, requires relatively little maintenance and produces beautiful, colorful flowers all summer long.

Edible and climbing, nasturtiums are repellent plants

mosquito repellent plants hanging out open spaces garden balcony nasturtiums

Nasturtiums are edible climbing flowers with attractive circular leaves and colorful petals. In fact, unlike other plants that repel pests, nasturtiums attract them to themselves and in this way keep them away from other plants and you. If you have a garden, nasturtiums are useful for protecting cucumbers, tomatoes, squash from common pests like aphids, beetles and flies (this relationship is called growth-stimulating companion planting).

mosquito repellent plants nasturtiums pretty edible climbing circular leaves

Nasturtiums can hang out in open spaces in the garden, so be sure to plant them at least 10 to 12 inches apart. They thrive in areas with six to eight hours of direct sunlight, climbing on a balcony, for example. Plus, their gorgeous flowers are completely edible and can give your salad an aesthetic upgrade.

Common spices as repellents

repellent plants flies common spice rosemary repellent essential oil

Besides being a delicious and versatile herb, rosemary leaf contains oils that have been shown to be effective mosquito repellent. Rosemary is easy to grow and very popular with home growers. It can thrive in a garden, in a balcony planter or even in your landscaping. Plus, having a rosemary plant nearby makes it easy to season your food.

insect repellent plant plant basil close repellent seasoning

If you needed another reason to plant basil nearby this summer other than flavor in your dishes, we’ve got you covered. Beyond its aroma, the leaves contain compounds that can actually kill mosquito larvae before they hatch. Basil plants can also help attract pollinators to help your yard and garden thrive. Plus, the leaves make a delicious pesto. Basil is one of the most popular herbs easy to grow and it’s a summer staple.

mosquito repellent plant mint fragrant herb pest control properties

Mint is another fragrant herb that has antiparasitic properties. Menthol, the insect repellent active ingredient in mint and peppermint oil, has biocidal properties that help repel and control mites, mosquitoes and various other pests. Be sure to grow it in its own pot, if you don’t want it to spread. Once in bloom, you can use mint leaves for a variety of dishes ranging from lemon, cucumber and mint infused water to fresh mint chutney.



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