7 signs that show that your liver is sick

Like all other organs, the liver can be diseased. To avoid complications, here are 7 symptoms indicative of a liver problem.

Have you noticed any changes lately? Unusual digestive disorders, severe fatigue? Your liver could be the cause of these symptoms. What is the liver? What are liver diseases? What are the symptoms of an unhealthy liver?

Here are 7 signs that show that your liver is sick.

What is the liver?

The liver is an organ located in the upper right part of the abdomen. It is partly covered by the right ribs. It is separated from the lungs by the diaphragm.

The liver has very important roles in digestion:

  • transformation of carbohydrates into glycogen (even into glucose if necessary);
  • transformation of lipids into triglycerides;
  • synthesis of blood proteins;
  • degradation of toxic substances;
  • production of bile.

It is therefore necessary for the liver to function properly so that we can digest ingested food.

What are liver diseases?

We often mistakenly think that only alcohol causes liver disease. However, the affections of this organ are numerous. Here are some of the liver diseases:

  • cirrhosis;
  • cancer ;
  • hépatite A, B, C, D, E ;
  • hepatic colic;
  • chronic damage;
  • hepatic steatosis: too fatty liver.

These various diseases are more or less serious. If they are taken care of in time, they can be treated. Although some cannot be cured, their progress can be controlled. Do not hesitate to consult a health professional in case of doubt.

7 signs that show that your liver is sick

Liver diseases are very varied. The range of symptoms is also very wide. However, some signs are more telling than others. Be very attentive to these different alerts from your body and consult if necessary.

Pain under the right ribs

Pain under the ribs may appear in case of diseased liver

The liver is located under the right ribs. If affected, it may be painful. Hepatic colic causes pain that is sometimes very violent. Often, pain increases during digestion. But rest assured: once the calculation is removed, it disappears.

It is possible that the pain only occurs when touched. At the moment, a lump may be palpable. In this case, consult quickly to determine the origin of this size.


Patient with jaundice

It is a very common disease in newborns. Their body produces a lot of bilirubin and the liver has a hard time getting rid of it. Most of the time, the condition is taken care of very early and remains without serious consequences. She heals very easily.

In adults with liver problems, it may be the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow. The case is then much more worrying. This means that the liver filters bilirubin poorly and the blood fills with this substance.

Jaundice can be the cause of various diseases: hepatitis, tumor, gallstone, alcoholic liver disease, etc.

Pale stools and dark urine

Liver disorders have direct consequences on digestion. Your stools may be pale (whitish, beige, pale yellow). Conversely, your urine is very dark: very dark yellow, amber or even brown.

Cholestasis is the main cause of these symptoms. There is very little or no bile flow at all. Attention, one pale stool is not enough. It may be due to a food consumed. However if this happens again, consult.


A diseased liver can cause itching all over the body

Damaged liver does not filter toxins from your body well. The latter manifests itself and alerts you via itching and sometimes even tingling. It’s a symptom that often accompanies cases of jaundice.

Digestive disorders

Stomach aches, gas, diarrhea, constipation, etc.. The liver is the largest organ in the human body. Its dysfunction prevents proper digestion. Moreover, it is not uncommon to have bad breath when you suffer from liver problems.

In case of repeated bad digestion, it is better to consult quickly.

A strong tiredness

Fatigue can be a sign of a diseased liver

No matter how much you rest, you are constantly tired. Your liver is malfunctioning and it takes a lot of effort from your body. Often, fatigue is accompanied by other symptoms such as digestive disorders or itching.

weight loss

Do you have less and less appetite? The kilos fly away on the scale? This may be the consequence of cirrhosis of the liver.

Attention, if you are already subject to this symptom, it is because cirrhosis has been present for a while. In this case, it is necessary to consult without further delay in order to treat your case as well as possible.


Liver diseases are very numerous. This digestive organ has very important functions within the body. If certain diseases cannot be avoided, remember that your liver is subject to your lifestyle.

In France, 1 in 5 people have too fatty liver. Alcohol is therefore not the only enemy of the liver. Pay attention to what you eat and your daily physical activity. Limit the risk of liver disease.

If you are affected by any of the above symptoms, seek medical attention promptly.

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