7 seasonal fruits and vegetables to consume in May

2023-05-16 09:34:00

In May, do what you like. But above all, consume seasonal fruits and vegetables to enjoy of all their blessings. Summer is not far away and on the stalls, colorful fruits and vegetables are back. So it’s time to take advantage of the return of asparagus, beans, fennel, artichokes, rhubarb and even strawberries! What to prepare a real feast on your plates.

To be eaten directly in salads, desserts, juices or gratins, you are spoiled for choice. If the sun is out, it is possible to find the first cherries, raspberries or even the first melons. Although you still have to arm yourself with a little patience to find it everywhere.

You can also find lemon, strawberries and kiwis. And to each his benefits. For example, lemon is invigoratingbecause it is rich in vitamin C. The strawberries, as for her, are moisturizing (the water content is 90%). They are also rich in fiber (nearly 4g per 100g of food) and in antioxidants. As it concerns kiwis, they are rich in vitamin C and trace elementsdont le potassium.

Vegetables to eat in May

Besides fruit, spring also marks the return of several vegetables. Among them, we mention in particular:

  • Eggplant : summer vegetable, its season begins in May and ends around September. Mainly composed of water (nearly 90%), eggplant is a food that remineralizes the body. It contains, in fact, a little potassiumof phosphorus (15 mg), you magnesium (15 mg) plus a small amount of zincof fer (0,2 mg), de calcium (20mg) and copper. It also provides vitamin C (1.3 mg);
  • The asparagus: star vegetable of spring, this one is source of fiber (1.8g), which helps with proper bowel function. Whether white, purple or green, asparagus is also rich in antioxidants whose main role is to prevent certain diseases such as cancer. Finally, it is a vegetable that also contains vitamin B9very useful during pregnancy (prevention of the malformation of the fetus “Spina bifida”) for example;
  • Spinach : although some children shun them, these vegetables are a source of heme iron (2mg per 100g of food). As a reminder, this is less well assimilated than iron of animal origin, except with the addition of vitamin C in the meal. And this, whether raw or cooked. They also possess a large amount of antioxidantsof vitamins, including K and provitamin A, as well as minerals (calcium, magnesium and potassium). Which can help prevent certain diseases;
  • Beet : it has benefits that it would be a shame to deprive yourself of. It contains betacyanins, essential for the liver because they promote the elimination of dangerous toxins for the body. Finally, it also contains a significant amount of potassium (320 mg pour 100g d’aliment).

In May, it is also possible to consume kale, Chinese cabbage, fennel, lettuce, onions, peas or radishes. All these vegetables also have many benefits.

How to cook them to take advantage of their benefits?

Vegetables (like fruits) are good for our body. They provide many nutrients and benefits, essential for good health. But you still have to cook them properly.

In effect, cooking can alter vitamins, minerals and trace elements that they contain. Therefore, to avoid this deterioration, it is advisable to choose a gentle cooking method. However, each cooking method has its pros and cons.

Nutrients do not like water or heat. Long and very hot cooking is therefore a bad idea. Vitamins are sensitive to light, water, air and above all, to heat. Minerals are less sensitive, but remain water-soluble, best to avoid contact with water.

The ideal would be to opt for gentle steaming or to consume the cooking water. Some cookers allow this gentle cooking method. The food is thus cooked between 90 and 100°C and retains all of its nutrients and vitamins. It is also possible to alternate with raw vegetables.

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