7 reasons why the level of cholesterol in the body does not decrease.. Health tips

Books by Hussam Al-Shaqwiri

Friday, April 14, 2023 03:00 PM

produced by the liver cholesterol It is a waxy substance found in the blood. Although your body needs cholesterol to make healthy cells, too much can increase your chance of developing heart disease. Several causes contribute to high cholesterol levels, including diet, smoking, obesity, or genetics, according to onlymyhealth.

Most people fail to realize their high cholesterol level unless they develop serious health complications, as it does not cause any symptoms. Therefore, routine screening is essential to screen cholesterol for early detection. It is important to make changes in your lifestyle to keep your cholesterol levels in check.

Reasons not to lower cholesterol

1 – Smoking

According to the American Heart Association, smoking is one of the reasons you may not see a decrease in your cholesterol levels. Smoking reduces HDL cholesterol and increases the risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, non-smokers should stay away from secondhand smoke as well.

2 – hidden fats

According to the American Heart Association, it is important to reduce the intake of saturated fats along with trans fats as they lead to higher LDL cholesterol. Red meat, butter and foods that contain unhealthy fats should be avoided.

3 – Complete reliance on your diet

It is important to maintain a healthy diet; However, it is not enough to lower cholesterol levels. The condition worsens if you are diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia.

4- Frequent eating out

There is no guarantee that even the healthiest food ordered in a restaurant is completely healthy. You should eat home cooked food to maintain your diet and cholesterol levels.

5 – Not to give up alcohol

Alcohol consumption can dramatically raise cholesterol levels and lead to obesity. According to the National Library of Medicine, excessive alcohol consumption may increase the chances of developing health problems such as cardiovascular disorders.

6- Reliance only on medicines

The results of the study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, indicated that relying solely on medication would not help lower cholesterol levels. It was found that people tend to gain weight and exercise less when prescribed statins.

7 – Genetic risks

People who have a genetic risk tend to have higher blood cholesterol levels even following leading a healthy lifestyle.

Tips for lowering cholesterol levels

Playing sports

Exercising is one of the most important things that anyone with high cholesterol levels should not miss. It helps raise HDL levels (the good cholesterol) and lower LDL and triglycerides in your body.

Maintains a moderate weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial because obesity is a risk factor for high cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association, reducing weight by 5 to 10% can reduce cholesterol levels in people at risk of cardiovascular disease. Obesity can increase your chances of developing many health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke.

healthy diet

You should eat fruits and vegetables and avoid fast and processed foods to prevent high cholesterol. In addition, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber.



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