7 reasons why ‘banana’ diet and health are good

Bananas are not only good for diet, but also have various effects such as lowering blood pressure and improving performance. [사진=아이클릭아트]

An average American person weighs 10 kg per year bananaThere are statistics that eat . But this simple fruit healthOften you don’t know how good it is. Bananas are sometimes excluded from the diet. This is because there are rumors circulating online that bananas are the cause of weight gain. In this regard, the US health and medical portal ‘Web MD’ and the health information site ‘Activebit.com’ 7 Health Benefits of Bananasintroduced

It does not gain weight and is good for diet

the banana dietgood food for One medium-sized banana has 110 calories, which is good for your health. 30 g carbohydratesclass 3 g of fibercan be consumed. Especially fiberthis rich satietyto last for a long time dietis of great help to


lower blood pressure

One medium-sized banana About 422 mgof potassiumcontains this On the other hand, it contains no sodium at all. Potassium is effective kidney functionto improve reduce stroke riskwhile letting saltIt helps to control the effects it has on the body. According to research 2 bananas dailyif you eat Blood pressuresecond 10% what can be loweredappeared as

rich in vitamin C

vitamin CCitrus fruits such as tangerines and oranges are not the only ones to consume. A 2005 study found that the same amount of vitamin C in the foods you eat every day. antioxidant IntakeIf you increase prevent diseaseappeared to be possible. medium sized one bananaIs vitamin C recommended daily amountof 17%contains

vitamin C such antioxidants vascular functionto keep healthy muscles and bones and good for tissue collagen productionand helps to prevent damage caused by free radicals. According to a study from Sweden, one week 4 bananas Women who ate too much kidney cancer riskthis 50%I reducedappeared as


Suppresses appetite with smell alone

According to a study conducted by the Smell and Taste Therapy Research Foundation at the University of Illinois, 3,000 people overweight adultsto the field bananaWow Peppermint ScentAs a result of having them take over, in the brain satietyto feel hypothalamusappeared to be active.

through this study banana the smell of certain foods, such as satietyto feel trick the brainhas been proven In another study banana scentgo for 6 months Continuously weightsecond outagehas been shown to help

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make you feel good

A study by the National Institutes of Health in the United States found that magnesium deficiency can make you moody. magnesium deficiencysilver feeling impatientclass anxiety, depression, mood change cause back An easy way to get this magnesium is by eating bananas. medium sized one bananain 27 mg of magnesium is heard The recommended daily intake of magnesium is 320 mg for women, 420 mg for mento be.


good for exercise

A research team at Appalachian State University in the United States conducted an experiment on cyclists, half a bananaIn interval training, athletes who ate carbohydrate sports drinkwith players who drank similar resultsappeared to show In particular, bananas are compared to sports drinks. natural antioxidantWow nutrientIt is rich in nutrients and is very good for health.

keep heart health

‘obesity’ According to a study published in the journal bananarich in potassiumsilver normal blood pressureclass heart functionIt has been shown to have several cardiovascular effects, including maintaining In this study, over 40,000 adult male Americans were monitored for four years, bananapeople who ate a lot blood cholesterol levelHe was in very good condition and had a much lower risk of heart disease and stroke. The research team said, “The banana potassiumclass sterols Blocks the absorption of bad cholesterol cardiovascular disease riskoverall decreasedo it,” he said.

Comedy.com kormedinews@kormedi.com

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