7 public health policies in 2025 aimed at “tax cuts for health care workers”

2024-09-26 09:09:00

On September 26, 2024, Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Minister of Public Health, delivered a speech at the Bamrasnaradura Institute of Infectious Diseases in Nonthaburi Province. The Ministry of Public Health’s policy for fiscal year 2025 has been announced. For the main laws implemented since fiscal year 2024, the Ministry of Public Health Civil Service Bill BE Public Health Volunteer Law and the Draft Rural Health Volunteer Law BE (Draft Rural Health Volunteer Law) will be promoted. and a draft mental health law.

To drive forward policies in fiscal year 2025, it will work to create health security for people at all levels. We will take action to achieve concrete results on the following seven important issues: 1. Improve the 30 baht treatment level. Increasing access to medical services focuses on linking health information to service units at all levels across the country. Under the security of health information network, develop medical artificial intelligence telemedicine and medical technology service systems, and expand the digital primary medical service network. And develop public hospitals to provide convenient, safe, modern and efficient services to the public.

Increase access to mental health services

2. Increase access to mental health services and drug treatment by developing and strengthening the consultation service system “Psychotherapists” to meet standards and improve the level of “Mini Thanyarak” and “Lomrak Community Team” to support individual planned treatment, Treatment and recovery systems. And allow the community to participate in the care of post-treatment patients and establish a mental health and drug treatment department to improve the regional structure.

3. Thai people are free from diseases and health hazards. Reduce critical non-communicable diseases (NCDs) before they enter the treatment system through holistic health promotion. Reduce national medical costs, practice lifestyle medicine and overall health concepts, and improve laws and measures conducive to prevention and control. Focus on health promotion such as NCD Act, prevention of new smokers/vaping.

Support health concept additional benefit, continue comprehensive cancer policy to expand cervical cancer vaccination (HPV) coverage for screening cancer prevention. And promote the concept of “One Health” 4. Strengthen the public health network, especially rural health volunteers, and formulate supporting laws such as the “Rural Health Volunteers Law” to enhance the potential of rural health volunteers and promote proactive health work in the community . Promote the right to health of all ethnic groups

Aims to cut taxes for people with good health care

“Promoting the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) because data show that 400,000 people die from this disease every year, the cost of medicines is about 130 billion baht, and other indirect costs total 1.5 trillion baht.

If it reduces people’s illness and death there must be positive ways and negative ways, for example, what incentives would there be for people who practice the good behavior? He has left it to the committee, which will be formally established on September 30, 2024, to consider what it will deliver.

The reporter asked whether measures would be taken to reduce non-communicable diseases and allow people to take care of their health. Because the Praboromarajchanok Institute study calculated that if about 800 out of 50,000 people suffer from non-communicable diseases, the cost will be reduced by about 153 million baht, and if there are 500,000 people, it will be reduced by 1.53 billion baht.

Potential to increase health economy

5. Construct a health service system for disadvantaged groups and special areas. By upgrading nursing homes and nursing homes, the potential of the health service system and service units in border areas will be enhanced. Promote the production and employment of community caregivers and improve the health care standards of local disadvantaged groups.

6. Through comprehensive promotion of healthy tourism and safety, enhance the health economic potential of medical and health centers and enhance Thailand’s wisdom. Promote Thai traditional medicine and Thai medicinal herbs in the service system, and increase business growth opportunities through improving regulations. Reduce review/licensing steps and facilitate further research Health Innovation Technology Transfer Medical Biotechnology
345 new houses were built nationwide.

7. Manage public health resources. Create stable improvements in quality of life and morale by increasing the output of physicians and public health personnel, promote the Public Health Act, develop laws/systems to support hospital management and procurement, effectively manage budgets and funds, and promote public engagement with other departments Investment in health development and continued implementation of the Public Health Law. Develop green hospitals and improve them to be environmentally friendly

“Improving and building staff housing, if no money comes in, I want to use the money to maintain hospitals. “Or other parts, such as loans or lottery funds, initially in about 345 places across the country,” Mr Somsak said.

7 public health policies in 2025 aimed at

Increase the value of herbal products by more than 100 billion.

Mr Det-Is Khaothong, Deputy Minister of Public Health, said he has been assigned to oversee Thailand’s Ministry of Traditional and Alternative Medicine and the Ministry of Health, which play an important role in helping strengthen the country’s health economy. It will develop the potential of Thai traditional medicine, Thai food, Thai herbal medicine, and medical services and products. including health tourism

It will be processed from upstream (i.e. raw materials) to downstream (i.e. production and export). According to the “National Herbal Medicine Action Plan No. 2 2023-2027”, goals for promoting related businesses and services have been set. By 2027, the added value for Thai herbal products will be more than 104 billion baht.

Also, I saw Thai masseuse which is very popular abroad. If Thai masseuses can be exported, it will bring a lot of money to the country. However, judging from the current number of doctors in Thailand, this number is still not enough to meet the service needs of the domestic people. Therefore, he considered whether he could apply for a budget of 100 million baht to create high-quality Thai masseurs to export abroad.

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