7 paisa conglomerates, among the most active in the continent

Seven organizations from Antioquia have a high participation in business development in goods, products and services throughout the continent, which allows them to establish themselves in the operation and also continue with the growth in their profits year after year.

These organizations are Grupo Argos with the companies Cementos Argos, Celsia and Odinsa, as well as Grupo EPM, Interconexión Eléctrica (ISA), Grupo Sura, Conconcreto, Bancolombia and Nutresa, which at the end of the first semester reported an average growth in international operations of 30%.

And it is that today you are seven country companies in the continent they have been developing an operation that has been going on for more than a decade directly or with subsidiaries to carry out their task with 70 companies on the transport and housing infrastructure fronts with cement and concrete, energy (conventional and non-conventional), services public, food, restaurants, banking and investment, and insurance.

Infrastructure and energy

One of the conglomerates that has a marked presence in practically all of America is Grupo Argossince in addition to operating in 16 countries, it does so directly with Cementos Argos in civil engineering and building projects, with Celsia in the renewable energy and fiber optic business, and Odinsa in road infrastructure and air terminals.

“The conglomerate has solid fundamentals that demonstrate its ability to generate economic value. We are advancing in the strategic initiatives that we announce to the market to transfer this fundamental value to our shareholders”, said Jorge Mario Velásquez, president of the holding company.

In the case of Cementos Argos, it is highlighted that It is currently the second largest concrete producer in the United States. and the first in cement and concrete in Colombia. Its operation extends to 15 countries (Panama, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Suriname, Saint Martin, Saint Tomás, Curacao, Antigua, Dominica, French Guiana and Venezuela), and it has more than 7,050 employees.

In addition, with the Celsia seal It has been operating in four countries (Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica and Colombia) in the energy generation, transmission, distribution and marketing businesses, today it serves more than one million customers, and is a leader in the adoption of non-conventional renewable energy generation.

And in the segment road and airport concessions, the task is carried out with Odinsa, and has a portfolio in four countries. Currently, it manages the airports of Bogotá and Quito, as well as four highways in Colombia, two in the Dominican Republic and one in Aruba. Currently, the company is advancing the construction of two road projects in Colombia.

Grupo Argos recorded income for its $7.8 billion international operationwhich represents 44% of the total turnover of the conglomerate (including Colombia).

leader in food

Nutresa is the other company from Antioquia with the greatest presence on the continent, since it operates in 13 countries through 21 companies in manufacturing and marketing activities of biscuits, meat products, chocolates, consumer foods, coffee, ice cream and pasta.

“As an Organization, we understand sustainability as an enabling capacity to generate the results that allow us to generate value for all related groups. We will continue working on building a better world, where development is for everyone”, commented Carlos Ignacio Gallego, CEO of Grupo Nutresa.

The organization registers its operation in United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Chile.

At the end of the first semester, Nutresa’s international sales registered $3.0 billionwhich represents a growth of 30.6%.

in public services

Regarding the provision of public services (electricity, aqueduct and sewage, natural gas and telecommunications)the task is carried out by the EPM Group with 14 subsidiary companies in five countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Mexico and Chile).

“In the first six months of 2022 we made investments in multiple projects that we carry out in the segment of Generation, Distribution, Water and other initiatives at the international level. The works, in addition to targeting the infrastructure of public services, have been important in generating employment,” said Jorge Andrés Carrillo, general manager of EPM.

Of the $15 billion in revenue that the organization recorded in the first half, affiliated companies abroad reported to the organization $4.2 billion in billing, which represents 28%.

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“The diversified portfolio of business of the organization and the presence in the five countries it was also fundamental in the results achieved,” stressed Carrillo.

safe business

The Surah Group nor is it far behind in its task of having a presence on the continentand currently registers its operation in nine countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay), in a task to serve insurance, investment fund and pension services with two companies ( Suramericana and Sura Asset Management -SAM-).

“We continue on the path of growth to achieve sustainable profitabilitywith historical consolidated revenues in the first half.

The results show the business power of Suramericana and SAMand the strength of a portfolio managed with a long-term vision, which allows us to create value for all our shareholders and society”, highlighted Gonzalo Pérez, President of Grupo Sura.

In the consolidated results of the conglomerate as of June 30, operating income grew 26% and amounted to $14.4 trillion, of which 31% come from operations abroad, which represents $4.5 trillion, which means that international billing increased 20%, equivalent to $760,000 million more compared to the same period in 2021 .

“The results Consolidated to the first semester exceed what was budgeted at the beginning of the year. Key to this has been the operating performance of the businesses, the spending discipline and the efficiencies obtained by the subsidiaries, as well as the good evolution of income from the associated companies”, commented Ricardo Jaramillo, Vice President of Business Development and Finance. of the Surah Group.

Steady banking

The Bancolombia Group, is another multilatina from Antioquia with a presence on the continent. His work in banking, investment funds and finance is carried out with four companies (Bancolombia, Banistmo, Banco Agrícola and Banco Agro Mercantil -BAM-) in four countries (Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and the United States).

“The good results are a reflection of the accompaniment to clients and companies of all sizes in initiatives that represent job creation, diversification and strengthening of productive activity, care for the environment and a positive impact on the well-being of society,” said Juan Carlos Mora, president of Bancolombia.

Among his results for the international operation, in the second quarterBanistmo’s net income was $109.4 billion, Banco Agrícola’s net income reached $70.2 billion, and BAM’s was $50.2 billion.

Transmission and pathways

Interconexión Eléctrica SA (ISA) It is also a protagonist in its operation at a continental level in the energy transmission, road infrastructure and telecommunications businesses, with a presence in nine countries (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and the United States).

Likewise, it develops its task through 14 subsidiary companies, where the bulk of the operation It has energy transmission with 81.1% of revenues, road infrastructure 14.6% and telecommunications 4.3%. Likewise, Brazil represents 36.7% of the turnover, Peru has 16.6% and Chile 15.6%.

“In our ambitious growth strategy we have identified for the next 12 months a portfolio of bidding opportunities amounting to US$6.4 billion. With the success rates we have had, we hope to maintain the rhythm of investments that we have been achieving in recent years in the region”, said Juan Emilio Posada Echeverri, president of ISA.

Infrastructure and roads

Finally, the company Conconcreto, with operations in Panama and the United Stateshas the short-term objective of expanding its task.

Thus, the internationalization strategy focuses on Central America and South Florida in the business of roads, civil works and housing projects.

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