7 out of 10 companies “Expansion of working time options → productivity and work-life balance ↑”

[이데일리 이준기 기자] It was found that 7 out of 10 companies recognized that measures to expand working time options, such as promoting vacations and flexible working hours, contributed to improving work productivity and ‘work-life balance’.

On the 5th, the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) commissioned Research & Research, a polling agency, to conduct a ‘survey on the operation of the working hour system’ targeting personnel and labor managers at top 1000 companies in sales. According to the results, 67.0% of the responding companies were productive. They answered that it is necessary to introduce a working hour selection system to improve the balance between fruit and life. As for the systems that have already been introduced or are being considered for this purpose, 27.6% of respondents cited diversification of vacation types and activation of vacations, such as promoting the use of annual leave.

This was followed by the flexible working system (27.0%), which includes flexible, optional, and discretionary work systems, establishment and strengthening of a working hour record/management system (21.4%), and flexible working places such as remote work (14.3%).

As the system that companies found most effective in improving work efficiency and productivity, vacation activation measures (83.5%) and institutional flexible working systems (73.8%) were selected as the most effective in reducing unnecessary overtime work. In this regard, the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) analyzed, “Considering that the use of flexible working hours increased and overtime hours decreased even before the 52-hour week system was implemented in July 2018, the use of flexible working hours helped reduce unnecessary overtime.”

The Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) announced that a survey on the total working hours of full-time workers over the past year, including basic and overtime, was an average of 45.7 hours per week. Specifically, △more than 44 hours a week and less than 48 hours a week (39.8%) △more than 48 hours a week and less than 52 hours a week (34.0%) △more than 40 hours a week and less than 44 hours a week (20.4%), etc.

Kwang-ho Choo, head of the Economy and Industry Headquarters of the Federation of Korean Industries, said, “Many companies that have expanded the option of working hours feel the effect of improving productivity, so we need to create an environment that improves work efficiency and enhances the quality of life of workers through flexible working hours.”

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