7 habits of Queen Elizabeth at 96 that explain her longevity

Written in CELEBRITIES the 9/6/2022 · 00:15 hs

The Queen Isabel She turned 70 on the British throne surrounded by love, happiness, family, but above all, good health for her advanced age. She canceled some participations in the activities of her Platinum Jubilee but we saw her once more smiling and very grateful with so much love from the world. What are the secrets that explain its longevity?

His status is enviable. He has always shown great strength and professionalism in fulfilling the obligations he accepted when he was just 25 years old. At that time few believed in her but she has shown following so many decades that she will be eternally remembered for the imprint of her strong and constant work.

Secrets that explain the longevity of Queen Elizabeth II


Many of us did not get to meet the father of Queen Elizabeth II but the Queen Mother, her mother, had a long and happy life. He died when he was 101 years old so the current Monarch has in her being a good load of genes that help her longevity. According to Sarah Harper, of the Oxford Institute of Population Aging, the possibility of living long is largely dictated from birth.


Queen Elizabeth married the love of her life. She has always said that Felipe caught her attention from the first moment she met him and she lived very happily as his wife. She has repeatedly paid her public tributes as a sign of her love that she shares with the English people until now, even following her death.


Aside from protocol, of course, Queen Elizabeth doesn’t like to smoke. She does drink alcohol but she doesn’t do it constantly. Smoking is a complicated problem; in fact, his father and grandfather died prematurely from illnesses related to him. The former wife of Prince Philip has never smoked a cigar and was never tempted to even try one, former press secretary Dickie Arbiter reveals.


Sleep time is something we should pay more attention to. Queen Elizabeth sleeps seven hours every night and wakes up at 7:30 am to start her activities early. A good quality of sleep affects the longevity of any person.


Darren McGrady, Queen Elizabeth’s former personal chef revealed that the Palace kitchen had clear no-go’s: no starch, potatoes, rice or pasta. He revealed that the British Royal Family takes great care of their diet and prefer to eat something simple like chicken and salad before trying something too elaborate full of fats, sugars or other elements harmful to health.


Queen Elizabeth always liked horseback riding, she really enjoys walking during the day and above all having fun taking her dogs for a walk and playing. She stays active at all times since she was young. Of course, let’s imagine all the things that fall on her shoulders, of course she will be aware of each one of them.


Let’s remember: Queen Elizabeth II has been the head of state for the UK and 15 other Commonwealth countries for 70 years. Of course, he has many things on his mind that he must analyze carefully in order to make the best decisions, always seeking the good for thousands of people. Of course his rate of cognitive decline is very low.



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