7 Districts in Bitung, North Sulawesi Affected by Floods and Landslides – 2024-04-10 15:52:34


Long-lasting high intensity rain caused floods and landslides in Bitung City, North Sulawesi, Sunday (7/4). This natural disaster affected seven sub-districts in the city, namely North Lembeh, Maesa, Madidir, Girian, Aertembaga, Ranowulu and Matuwari.

Based on the temporary data collected, as many as 550 heads of families or 1,786 people were affected.

“Some residents reportedly chose to flee to relatives who were safer,” said Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in an official statement, Monday (8/4).

According to him, a number of natural infrastructure was also affected by the incident, namely 437 housing units were submerged, five housing units were heavily damaged and 11 housing units were moderately damaged. One educational facility was affected and several access roads were buried by landslides.

The Bitung City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and a joint team immediately went to the affected locations to collect data, provide food assistance and clean up landslide material using heavy equipment.

“BNPB appeals to residents and local governments to increase preparedness to face potential wet hydrometeorological disasters, considering that currently a number of areas are still entering the rainy season,” he said.

To anticipate landslides, residents are asked to take part in planting trees with strong roots that can anchor the soil well to cliffs or hillsides. (Z-11)

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