7 dietary sins to avoid during the Christmas period

2023-12-14 19:46:00

The Christmas period brings us to family traditions and affectionate dishes, such as panettone, rabanada, salpicão and roasts. At Christmas dinner, the abundance at the table and the receptivity of the hosts can invite excesses.

The physical symptoms appear the next day: abdominal distension – the famous bloating, stomach pain, nausea, headache, diarrhea and dysregulation of blood pressure.

Excessive eating can also lead to low immunity, as the body is working overload to digest a huge amount of food and alcohol.

Thinking regarding avoiding these consequences, nutritionist Jhenevieve Cruvinel, from São Paulo, listed the 7 most common dietary sins at Christmas dinner.

Food traditions are an invitation to exaggerate

7 dietary sins to avoid during the New Year festivities:

1. Reward yourself with food and drink. The best thing is to avoid thoughts like I deserve to eat and drink. “I advise people to think that if the problem is not hunger, eating is not the solution”;

2. Just look at the moment. Thoughts like “But it’s just today” can encourage constant diet breakage. “The months of December and January are already especially challenging to maintain the diet, so it’s best not to make concessions for all situations”, recommends Jhenevieve;

3. Consume alcohol and soda. “These are two high-calorie drinks that dehydrate the body, harm your health and only contribute to weight gain”, he advises;

4. Procrastinating healthy habits. The nutritionist recommends that the thought “starts next year” be avoided. For her, it’s always time to think regarding physical activities, even on the days between Christmas and New Year;

5. Se empanturrar. “Choose your foods, opt for the ones you like the most, allow yourself to try new things, but always keep control over the portion size of each food”, he explains;

6. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar, salt and fats. Abuse of foods rich in sugar, salt and fat increases the number of heart attacks and problems related to cardiovascular health;

7. Eat throughout the day. Parties generally take place over one or two meals throughout the holiday, so the nutritionist asks not to extrapolate the festive atmosphere to every day and snack straight away. “Eat full meals normally, without spending the day snacking uncontrollably. The best thing is to make a Christmas dish,” she concludes.

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