6th Pan-Arab and Maghreb Congress of Military Medicine Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI

2023-11-23 10:45:25

“We admire your dedication and your interventions during the management of this disaster which cost the lives of so many victims and injured so many others”, indicated Mr. Pierre Neirinckx at the opening of the work of the 6th Pan-Arab Congress and the 6th Maghreb Congress of Military Medicine.

The SG of the ICMM also said he was “grateful”, on behalf of the International Military Medical Community, the International Committee of Military Medicine, to His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) for having maintained the organization of this Pan-Arab and Maghrebi Regional Congress under the aegis of the ICMM.

And to recall that the member countries of the ICMM, gathered during the Pan-African Regional Congress in Egypt, had observed a moment of meditation in memory of the people who died and those injured in the Al Haouz earthquake, as well as those of the deadly floods that occurred in Libya.

Furthermore, Mr. Neirinckx underlined that the world is on fire on almost all continents with the increase in natural disasters, armed conflicts and terrorist acts with all that results in terms of civilian and military victims and displaced people.

“Faced with the influx of patients and wounded, we can only continue our mission of exchanging knowledge to improve the quality of care for all victims, regardless of their side, their status or their beliefs,” he said.

Alongside scientific exchanges for more than a century, the ICMM is committed to teaching and promoting respect and application of International Humanitarian Law, the Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols, through Congresses and training in matters of the Law of Armed Conflict, continues Mr. Neirinckx, emphasizing the need to take all necessary measures by promoting prevention and education in these areas.

The General Secretariat of the ICMM stands “ready to help those who express a need for support without any bias, while respecting the values ​​to which our member countries have adhered, namely: independence, neutrality, impartiality, “universality, reliability, quality and transparency”, assures the SG of the ICMM, noting that the ICMM reiterates its commitment to promoting all actions likely to contribute to peace, for the good of all.

For his part, the Brigadier General, Mounir Azaiez, Director General of Military Health of Tunisia, expressed his confidence that the FAR Health Service, by taking charge of the presidency of the Pan-Arab and Maghreb regional working groups , will work to meet the challenges for a better exchange and dissemination of knowledge in the field of military medicine.

“I am firmly convinced that Morocco will continue to play a central role in strengthening ties between the members of the working groups,” he said.

Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Leader and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, the Inspection of the FAR Health Service organizes, under the aegis of the International Committee of Military Medicine, the 6th Pan-Arab Regional Congress and the 6th Maghreb Regional Congress of Military Medicine from November 22 to 25 in Marrakech.

Taking part in these congresses are speakers and players in military health in addition to delegations from Arab countries that are members of the Pan-Arab and Maghreb regional working groups on military medicine, as well as several invited countries, in addition to civil and military personalities.

The main theme of this conclave is the main challenges of tomorrow’s military medicine, with a focus on new approaches applied in combat zones and/or in disaster situations, medico-social action on a national and international level and the quality of care in a military environment.

Note that the Health Service of the Royal Armed Forces will chair the Pan-Arab and Maghreb regional military medicine working groups for a two-year term.

#International #Committee #Military #Medicine #welcomes #effective #management #Morocco



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