6,800 new teachers wanted for the coming school year

The Ministry of Education has advertised 6,821 teaching positions or around 4,500 full-time equivalents with 100,000 teaching hours for the 2024/25 school year. The main application deadline ends on May 3rd. You can apply via a central platform (www.klassejob.at).

This means that a similar number of new educators are being sought as in the previous year. In spring 2023, 6,846 positions were advertised. They were all filled – including with teacher training students and career changers. Yesterday, Education Minister Martin Polaschek (VP) expressed confidence that he would be able to fill all open teaching positions this year.

  • HONEY 1: Shortage of staff in the education system

749 positions in Upper Austria

By far the most positions are to be filled in Vienna (2164). The second most are advertised almost equally in Lower Austria (1000) and in the much smaller Tyrol (1016), followed by Upper Austria (749), Vorarlberg (544), Styria (510), Salzburg (350), Burgenland (245) and Carinthia (243). ).


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