Thiruvananthapuram∙ The state government, which has set out to implement the Rs 63,940 crore Silverline Vegrail project, does not have the money to pay Rs 18.5 crore for 2 railway flyovers. Despite repeated requests, money for these projects, implemented by Silverline operator K Rail, has not been paid. As the deadline for finalizing the tender has passed, K Rail has sought an extension of 4 months from the company that quoted the lowest amount.
If the tender is not confirmed by January, a re-tender will be required. Estimates will also rise. The government, which blames the central government and the protesters for not being able to take forward the Silver Line project, has no one else to blame in this regard. 34.52 crores has been spent so far on the temporarily frozen Silverline. The government’s position is that it will not be given even if half of this is asked for two flyovers.
The Kerala Rail Development Corporation was formed by the Central Railway and Kerala not only to implement the Silver Line project. For the construction of rail projects in the state. Railway flyovers will also be included in this category. That is how the construction of 25 flyovers with a total cost of 500 crores was entrusted to K Rail. The State and Center have to bear half of the project cost each. The state has to pay the money to start the construction. The center will pay according to the progress of the construction.
Administrative permission and funds should be given by the maintenance department with the approval of the finance department. The tender process for Thrissur Palli Gate flyover (22 crores) and Nilambur Yard Gate flyover (15 crores) was completed in March. A construction company got both the tenders. After opening the tender and finding the contractor, the tender should be confirmed within 6 months.
K Rail wrote several times asking for money, but received a reply citing financial crisis. Finally the tender expired. The extension will expire next month. 9 flyover projects namely Kakkanad Gate, Tamarakulam (Alappuzha), Edakulangara, Polayathot (Kollam), Mankara (Palakad), Uppala, South Thrikaripur (Kasarkot), Vellayil (Kozhikode) and Ezhimala (Kannur) have been prepared for tender.
English Summary: Kerala government does not have money to construct two railway bridges