62-year-old woman wants to have children with a young husband 37 years younger than her age

Cheryl McGregor, 62 years old and young husband Quran McCain, 25 years old, from Georgia (USA), gets married in 2021 and now, they are ready for a plan to have children.

Although Mrs. Cheryl has 7 children and 17 grandchildren, but skewed chopsticks couple said they “feel like they still want to have children of their own”.

The couple Quran McCain and Cheryl McGregor have a 37-year age difference but still want to have a child together.

Due to age problems, despite her best efforts, Ms. Cheryl has not been able to conceive successfully by natural methods. In the end, the couple decided to find a solution ask a surrogate or adopt a child.

“We prefer to find a surrogate. However, many people get into legal problems when the baby is born. Therefore, we need to find someone who is kind, willing to sign a contract unrelated to the baby. when the baby is born. We don’t want anyone trying to have a baby for us for financial purposes,” said Quran.

Regarding the possibility of adoption, the couple is looking for a hybrid baby so that the baby can feel that they are his real parents because Cheryl is white and the Quran is colored.

They also calculated that Cheryl was much older than the Quran so she could go first and only have the Quran to raise her children, they were prepared for this.

The 62-year-old Cuban wants to have a 37-year-old baby elephant-Hinh-2
The couple with skewed chopsticks wants to find a surrogate mother.
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Previously, during the dating period, the difference in age and appearance of the two became a topic of public opinion, especially when the couple shared many happy moments together on social networks. .

Due to an eating disorder, Cheryl is quite thin. To improve her health, she spends a lot of time dancing. This 61-year-old woman said that despite receiving many unpleasant comments, the two are still proud of this deviant relationship.

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