’61 years old’ Kim Chung, perfect bikini body revealed.. Kim Gook-jin is also surprised, “I feel like I’m in my twenties” (‘Check Time’)


[스포츠서울 | 남서영기자]Kim Cheong surprised everyone with her perfect bikini body.

On MBN’s ‘Check Time Once Again’ broadcast on the 27th, actor Kim Cheong appeared and revealed the secret to good health.

Kim Chung, born in 1962, revealed his current health without any underlying disease. In particular, the bikini photo that was released together surprised everyone.

Kim Cheong, wearing a bikini swimsuit, made the 61-year-old unbelievable with her muscular body and copper-colored skin.


MC Kim Gook-jin also opened his eyes wide in surprise, and the cast members were surprised, saying, “It’s like they’re in their 20s.” Kim Cheong said, “It was three or four years ago. I can’t imagine it now.”

He said, “It seems that there are still more live muscles than dead ones, and when I open my eyes, I shake my body and dance, and rarely lie down or sit until I go to bed,” he said.

In particular, Kim Cheong said, “I eat gobongbap. I’m not good at eating out. If you eat out, you will regret it. His nickname is Bob Soon. I like gobongbap,” he said, giving a twist.
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photo source| MBN

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