6 telltale signs of kidney disease that should not be ignored: are you concerned?

Although not as widely known in the public sphere, kidney disease is a serious and life-threatening condition. Affecting one in seven adults worldwide, this chronic condition can lead to health complications if left untreated or undiagnosed. But how do you know if you are at risk for kidney disease? Knowing the signs to look out for at an early stage can help protect your long-term health. In this article, we’ll go over 6 warning signs of kidney failure that everyone should be aware of in order to stay healthy and take charge of managing any potential risk.

The National Kidney Foundation estimates that six million people in France live with chronic kidney disease, but may be unaware of their diagnosis because kidney disease is often silent. Chronic kidney disease is a condition in which kidney function has declined over time, and can be caused by several different types of kidney disease. These progressive diseases can cause permanent kidney damage and lead to chronic kidney failure.

According to the health insurance website, “the kidneys lose, in a lasting and irreversible way, their ability to correctly filter the body’s blood”. With this in mind, it is important to recognize the importance of National Kidney Week, which runs from March 4-11, 2023, as an opportunity to raise awareness of kidney disease and its potential impact on health of individuals.

The 6 alarming signs of potential kidney disease.

Swelling :

Swelling, especially of the face and extremities, is one of the most common signs of kidney disease. It can be caused by a buildup of fluid in the body due to decreased kidney function. When the kidneys are unable to properly filter waste from the blood, they are unable to properly regulate sodium and potassium levels, resulting in an electrolyte imbalance that can cause fluid retention. This is manifested by swelling or puffiness around the eyes, hands, feet and abdomen. In the most extreme cases, it can also lead to high blood pressure which, if left untreated, can cause other long-term problems.

Changes in urination:

Changes in urination are a major indicator of kidney dysfunction or failure. The main role of the kidneys is to filter waste products from the bloodstream, so when there is a problem with their functioning, the production of urine will also be affected. For example, frequent or irregular passing of small amounts of urine may indicate a problem with fluid retention in the body due to impaired kidney function. Additionally, changes in the color or smell of urine can also be a sign of potential kidney problems, such as infections or blockages, which should be checked out by a doctor immediately.

Fatigue :

Fatigue is another symptom associated with kidney dysfunction and chronic kidney disease (CKD). As mentioned earlier, impaired kidney function reduces their ability to filter toxins from the bloodstream, which leads to a buildup of waste products and prevents patients from feeling energized and performing their tasks. daily activities at full capacity. In addition to this effect on energy levels, fatigue can also be caused by CRF-induced anemia, which contributes to feelings of exhaustion, regardless of how long you sleep or rest during the day. .

Skin issues:

Skin problems, such as dryness and itching, are often linked to changes in kidney function, as these organs play a role in regulating electrolytes, including sodium and potassium, which are key components of a good hydration of the skin. Also, urinary tract complications such as uremia (excessive amount of urea) build up in the bloodstream and lead not only to skin irritation but also other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting which should get immediate medical attention if they are felt for prolonged periods.

Bad breath/metallic taste:

People with a severe form of chronic kidney disease (CKD) may suffer from what is known as ‘uremic fetus’, which is bad breath caused by the excessive buildup of nitrogen compounds urea that cannot be filtered due to impaired kidney function. This buildup not only leads to a bad odor on the breath, but also an unpleasant metallic taste when ingesting food. Some people describe this sensation as a “tin” taste in the mouth, which might indicate undiagnosed CRF if it occurs regularly.

Loss of appetite :

Loss of appetite can be an alarming sign of possible underlying kidney disease. Many studies have suggested that reduced or lack of appetite can be a predictor and early indicator of kidney problems. Common symptoms associated with kidney disease, such as fatigue, nausea, metallic taste, and general malaise, can cause loss of appetite, leading to poor diet and additional health risks.

Additionally, metabolic disturbances caused by kidney dysfunction can trigger other electrolyte imbalances and digestive changes, which can lead to complete loss of appetite. It is therefore prudent for people with unexplained loss of appetite to seek medical attention to monitor their overall health and rule out any underlying medical issues, such as kidney disease.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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