6 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency: Importance for Bones, Mood, Dental and Immune Health

2023-09-10 18:45:00

A nutritionist revealed 6 symptoms that show a decrease in vitamin D in the body, as it is one of the nutrients for building and maintaining healthy bones, and its deficiency negatively affects the general health of individuals.

She explained that the first symptom of vitamin D deficiency, which is called the “sunshine” vitamin, is “fatigue,” as studies indicate that taking the vitamin may have a significant impact on reducing fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D deficiency also causes a decline in mood, as studies have shown that individuals suffering from depression have lower levels of the vitamin compared to healthy individuals.

The specialist pointed out that vitamin D is of great importance for dental health through calcium, as it plays a major role in the mineralization of bones and teeth, and it seems that obtaining good levels is linked to the development of better oral health throughout life.

She said that vitamin D is known for its role in muscle and bone health, and low levels cause a decrease in calcium absorption, which in turn can lead to the release of parathyroid hormone, which promotes bone resorption and ultimately bone loss or softening.

She emphasized that the vitamin plays an important role in modulating the immune system, and its deficiency may lead to dysregulation of the immune system and can lead to either immunosuppression or an increased inappropriate immune reaction.

It showed that one of the roles of vitamin D is important for intestinal health, as the study showed that the vitamin leads to reducing harmful bacteria and increasing the richness of friendly bacteria in the upper digestive system.

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