6 Sleep-Boosting Teas for a Restful Night: The Best Tea Types to Promote Sleep and Relieve Insomnia

2023-10-14 08:10:00

Tea is one of the most popular drinks worldwide and that’s a good thing, because the hot drink not only has a positive effect on our health, but it also promotes our sleep. We’ll tell you which 6 types of tea are real sleep boosters.

In the clip: Health expert Charlotte Karlinder explains which tea helps with complaints

Effects of tea for falling asleep: How does tea affect the body and which ingredients promote sleep?

In the evening we often long to sink into bed and close our eyes. However, there are times when we toss and turn in bed for hours and just can’t find any rest. We feel us unbalanced, stressed and tense and ask ourselves why we can’t fall asleep.

The causes of our sleep problems are varied. In our hectic modern world, we are often overwhelmed and find it difficult to relax. Our thoughts revolve around unfinished tasks and worries that won’t let us go. The same topics keep bothering us and don’t allow us to find peace. Another reason for our insomnia is Stress. It causes our body to produce more adrenaline and cortisol, which keeps us awake. Tip: Anti-stress foods can provide relaxation.

But there are various methods that help us relax and fall asleep better. One option is before bed sleep-inducing teas to drink. Some types of tea contain specific ingredients that have a calming effect and create the conditions for falling asleep more quickly. These ingredients have different effects neurological processes in the brainwhich makes us feel more relaxed and therefore fall asleep more easily.

One of the most important substances in sleep-promoting teas is the so-called flavonoid (secondary plant substance). Apigenin. Apigenin’s relaxing effects are due to its ability to bind to GABA receptors in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter known for its calming effects. In addition, many types of tea also contain essential oilsthat relax the mind.

These 6 types of tea help you fall asleep

A natural way to promote restful sleep is to tap into the power of nature and enjoy soothing teas. The following six types of tea have proven particularly useful Relieve problems falling asleep and enable a good night’s sleep.

1. Chamomile tea to help you sleep

Chamomile tea is known to many as a remedy for colds and gastrointestinal problems. But the mild-tasting plant has even more to offer and is valued in medicine for good reason. In fact, chamomile tea can also serve as a sleep aid. The calming effect of chamomile on the nervous system has been proven in various scientific studies. This is due to the flavonoid Apigenin attributed.

In some Studies There has been a connection between the consumption of chamomile tea and one reduced increase in certain stress hormones noted. There was even one Investigationin which subjects recorded an immediate 90-minute deep sleep following drinking chamomile tea.

2. Lemon balm tea to help you sleep

Lemon balm contains essential oils that have a calming effect. The responsible ingredients are Citral, Geranial, Neral und Citronellal. These substances are also responsible for the characteristic lemon scent that gives lemon balm its name. The ingredients in lemon balm have a calming effect on the body and mind.

Similar to many other types of tea that help you fall asleep, lemon balm tea also requires a longer steeping time. To achieve the desired effect, the tea should be poured over with hot water Steep for at least ten minutes.

3. Hop tea to help you fall asleep

Hop tea is made from the hop cones and has a slightly bitter taste, mainly due to the hop cones it contains Bitter acids humulus and lupulone. Humulone in particular has a relaxing and calming effect, which is why it is often used in sleeping pills.

Because of its bitter taste, hop tea is often used Combined with other medicinal plants such as lemon balm or passionflower. These plants not only neutralize the taste, but also increase the calming effect of the tea.

Since hop tea can take some time to work, drink it not right before bed, but ideally 30 minutes before. To prepare hop tea, simply pour regarding 150 milliliters of boiling water over one to two teaspoons of crushed, dried hop cones. Then let the tea steep covered for ten minutes and then strain it.

4. Lavender tea to help you sleep

Lavender is not only known for its wonderful scent, but is also valued as a medicinal plant that is used in natural medicine. Lavender can provide relief from various complaints such as headaches, skin diseases or hair loss. In addition, lavender tea also has a positive influence on our sleep. The ones included essential oils have a relaxing, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The calming effect of lavender does not only develop in the form of tea. Lavender can be used in a variety of ways, such as applying lavender oil to the chest, misting the pillow with a lavender pillow spray, using lavender oil in a room diffuser, or adding lavender oil as a bath additive. In each of these dosage forms, this medicinal plant has a calming and sleep-promoting effect and helps with sleep disorders and sleep problems.

5. Passionflower tea to help you sleep

Passionflower may not be familiar to most people, but for anyone who suffers from sleep problems, it is a plant worth remembering. This climbing plant, native to South America, is considered natural Medicines for anxiety and restlessness, cramps and sleep disorders used.

One Australian study with almost 50 test subjects between the ages of 18 and 35 showed that drinking passion flower tea following seven days led to a improved sleep quality led. The South American plant can therefore help to correct fluctuations in sleep rhythms.

The exact substances responsible for this effect are still controversial. Scientists suspect that the contained essential oilswhich are known for their numerous positive health effects, as well as flavonoids might possibly be responsible for this.

6. Valerian root tea to help you sleep

Valerian is also one of the herbs known for its calming and sleep-inducing effects. The reason for this lies in the Gamma Amino-Buttersäure (GABA), which is contained in valerian root and plays an important role in the central nervous system. Studies have shown that taking GABA can improve sleep quality and promote sleep. It is recommended to drink a cup of valerian sleeping tea every evening before going to bed as the calming effects tend to increase within one to two weeks sets. The effect takes some time, as the active ingredients of valerian first have to accumulate in our body in order to have the desired effect on sleep quality.

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Preparation tips: What is the best way to prepare the tea and what ingredients can be added to enhance the effect?

Preparing sleep teas is easy and usually only takes a few minutes. Here are some tips on how to optimize your tea preparation to enhance its calming effects:

Use high quality ingredients: When buying teas, make sure they are of good quality. Fresh, high-quality herbs contain more active ingredients.Note dosage: Stick to the recommended dosage for the tea. Too much or too little tea can affect the desired effect.Adhere to the brewing time: Let the tea steep long enough to release the active ingredients. The ideal brewing time varies depending on the type of tea, but is usually around five to ten minutes.Additional ingredients: To enhance the effects of the tea, you can also mix the herbs mentioned above. A drizzle of honey can improve flavor and provide additional soothing properties.Relaxation before bed: Drink the tea regarding 30 minutes to an hour before bed to give your body time to absorb the calming ingredients and prepare for sleep.

Danger! These types of tea are not suitable for bedtime

Not every herbal tea has a direct calming effect or helps with sleep disorders. In fact, there are teas that do the opposite. Teas like black or green tea contain Caffeine and have one stimulating effect, which can increase sleep problems. For this reason, these types of tea should definitely be avoided before going to bed. Instead of making you sleepy, consuming caffeine actually makes your body more alert.

These types of tea are also not suitable for consumption before going to bed, as they stimulate the circulation:

Jasmine teaMate teaTas with lemongrassTea with rosemaryWhite tea

Read here which types of tea can help you lose weight:

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