6 signs that should make you distrust an aesthetic doctor

Choosing the right center aesthetic medicine It requires being very attentive to the signs.

There are details to take into account if we do not want to end up regretting it. “A good aesthetic doctor is first a doctor and then an aesthetic“says Dr. Candy Hernández, a specialist in aesthetic medicine and director of the Candhé Clinic, a center located in Barcelona.

These are, according to the professional judgment of this expert in anti-aging procedures without rest or recovery, the 6 red flags that should put us on alert from our first visit to an aesthetic medical center.

  • 1. A doctor is not a commercial

The medical profession is not regarding selling anything. And even less, in selling smoke. “A good medical professional should advise you and accompany you during the treatment in a professional and rigorous manner, always putting the Health and, never pressure youHernandez stresses.

  • 2. Run away from bargains

Remember this maxim: if the price is too low to be true, there is something that they are not telling you“. As Dr. Hernández points out, the materials used in aesthetic medicine have a very high cost, especially if you work with top brands. quality. “Ideally, the professional should open the products before use, in front of the patient“, points out the expert.

  • 3. Don’t trust the “you’re going to look great”

That the only explanation of doctor However good you are going to be following the intervention or treatment, according to the doctor, it is not an acceptable explanation for a professional from an aesthetic medical center. “This should always explain the protocol to you in great detail“.

  • 4. Ask for a signed consent

All treatment or medical intervention must be accompanied by a consent issued by the center and signed by the patient“explains Dr. Candy Hernandez. “If you are going to do something to an aesthetic medical center and they do not give you a document to sign that explains the procedure and the possible Adverse effectsmistrust“.

  • 5. Beware of unfair competition

Another sign that should make you suspicious is if the doctor speaks ill of other colleagues. The director of Candhé Clinic emphasizes that she is not honest that a professional calls into question the way of working of another. “A good doctor shines with his own light and does not need to cheat”, he assures. “Bad practices, such as following other doctors’ patients on Instagram or criticizing your competition, are unfair and detract from the profession“.

  • 6. Reviews are not charged

This that seems so obvious, in reality usually causes many doubts. The aesthetic medicine specialist points out that revisions are a key part of any treatment, since they ensure that everything has gone correctly and no complications arise. “Remember that reviews are not an following-sales service. What is charged separately are the new treatments that are required once these“, says Dr. Candy Hernández.


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