6 signs of an unhealthy gut. Here are ways to treat it

Health Intestine A healthy gut is extremely important and has a huge impact on your overall health. It helps your immune system, heart health, brain health, mood, sleep, and digestion all function properly. A healthy gut may help you avoid diseases and some types of cancer, while one of the most common causes of While a gut imbalance is poor diet, there are many other causes that you may not realize are affecting your gut. It is important to understand what these signs are because an unhealthy gut can negatively affect your entire body. onegreenplanet“.

1. Upset stomach

Stomach problems such as gas, constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea and heartburn can be signs of an unhealthy bowel if you suffer from them frequently, these symptoms can also be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) It is a common condition affecting the large intestine.

2. Constant fatigue

An unhealthy gut can contribute to poor or irregular sleep, which can eventually lead to fatigue. This is because serotonin, which affects sleep, is made mostly in the gut..

3. Cravings for sugar

An unhealthy gut often leads to cravings for foods high in fat, sugar, and processed junk food. When too much sugar is consumed, it can eventually lead to an increase in the production of “bad” bacteria in the intestines, also known as dysbiosis and leads to an unhealthy and inflamed environment for your gut.

4. Dermatitis

Skin conditions such as eczema are often associated with an unhealthy gut. If your gut is irritated, proteins from the gut can “leak” into the skin, and can eventually lead to irritation and itching..

5. Weight fluctuation

Unintentional changes in weight without major changes to your diet or exercise routine can be a sign of an unhealthy gut. When your gut health is disrupted, it can affect your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar, and store fat..

6. Migraine

One study suggested that those who frequently experience headaches or migraines may be at risk for digestive issues. “Digestive diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease, may also be associated with migraines

Ways to improve gut health

Health experts recommend that you replace refined foods with complex foods rich in fiber and whole foods, drink plenty of water every day, take probiotics and prebiotics daily, add plenty of polyphenols (berries, green tea, cocoa, etc.) in your diet, breathe and relax before eating, and chew food. Well, eat until you’re regarding 80% full, get plenty of exercise, and finally, she recommends that you stop eating before bedtime if possible.

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