6 scientific facts that travel is good for health

The dream of traveling lives in each of us, but not everyone can afford to travel outside of their home, even more so in the country. Meanwhile, scientists have proved that wandering around the world has a beneficial effect on our health – both physical and mental. During the trip, a person meets new people, replenishes the baggage of his knowledge, develops personal qualities, and just rests his soul. And what else do we get from traveling?

  • Mood boosts already at the planning stage

Surprisingly, a person is still at home within his walls and already flies as if on wings, anticipating an early trip. The mood goes up sharply already at the stage of planning, booking hotels, and choosing cars for rent. Looking through accommodation options or rental services always lifts the mood and your only trouble is to decide between hiring a lamborghini or hiring some other variant. Whether an active holiday is planned or associated with a measured and unhurried pastime, it will, in any case, require some preparation, and this in itself brings joy. This was confirmed by British scientists, and their American colleagues proved that travelers are 20% less likely to suffer from depression compared to those who do not leave their city at all.

  • Brain activity is improved by active vacations

Journey advantages the brain by boosting the neuronal connections and thus raising intelligence and mental health. A trip will shake up the brain since during a journey, one is constantly surrounded by new people, adapting to an unexpected environment, gaining impressions, and sharing them with people around. New knowledge, reasoning, and reflection increase the cognitive flexibility of gray matter and activate the sharpness and clarity of thinking. According to research, trips and wanderings develop creativity, expand cultural consciousness, and have a positive impact on personal growth.

  • Long-distance journeys enhance the health of the heart and blood vessels

No matter whether the vacation is associated with physical activity or it takes place in a quiet and measured atmosphere, on any occasion it has a positive impact on the health of the cardio system. And the secret is simple. At home, one can not be 100% distracted from the usual household chores, excluding contacting relatives and colleagues, leaving the solution to problems for later. Vacation is an opportunity to escape from responsibilities, and completely change the scenario, and it is thanks to this that the level of anxiety sharply decreases, and the effect persists for several weeks after returning. No wonder such famous writers as Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez often moved from one place to another, looking for inspiration in new experiences.

  • Travel strengthens the immune system

It is no surprise that our organism requires bacteria, and sterile environments are harmful to immune function. It has already “gotten familiar” with and adapted to the microorganisms that live in the organic home environments, but a new, undiscovered surrounding pushes it to mobilize and begin preparing to resist a potential attack. It is necessary to produce new antibodies, and this increases the immunity and resistance of the body to diseases.

  • Physical exercises help the body to stay in good shape
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Even when no active vacation is planned, the physical loading on the journey will be greater than at home. Even if you only intend to fall on the beach, you still need to reach it, and you will also want to visit excursions. Fans of an active lifestyle who are planning to climb mountains or kayak rafting can count on increased muscle work, which will inevitably lead to an improvement in body parameters. There are plenty of opportunities for physical activity and hiking is one of them. They have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen muscles and joints, and improve the function of the respiratory system, especially if the air is filled with healing salts, oxygen, and ozone ions.

  • Rest as a way of recovery and treatment

As you can see, active and other recreation itself has healing power, bringing great benefits to the body, but some people specifically choose so-called medical directions and places where they can be treated and solve a variety of health problems. Seaside resorts invariably attract the attention of those going on vacation, because they combine the healing power of seawater, mud, algae, and the seaside climate. All these factors together help to prevent the development of many diseases and improve forecasts regarding existing ones.

As you can see, travel is the most important component of a person’s life, bringing a lot of joy and positivity. Physical activity, coupled with new impressions, has a positive effect on life expectancy and this has been confirmed by American scientists.

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