Samsung Wallet, Secure Folder, Private Share, Samsung Care+ and more; see how Samsung solutions can protect your data and devices
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Carnival is one of the most celebrated Brazilian festivals in the country. It’s revelry day and night, and there’s glitter, glitter and serpentine to handle so many people partying. It’s the perfect party to capture incredible and remarkable moments, whether by photo, video or selfie, and regardless of the light, if you are using Nightography1 from a Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G2.
And, to improve the security of your smartphone during this period, we have prepared a list of tips to make your smartphone and your data safer at this time of revelry. Check it out below:
Store your most important apps and files in Secure Folder
To Safe Paste3, as the name suggests, is an encryption protected folder on your Galaxy smartphone. In it, you can store photos, videos, documents and other files that can only be viewed following checking an extra layer of security, which is protected by a previously determined password.
You can, for example, keep your banking applications in the Secure Folder, as this will add an extra security step to access these applications, which can help you in case of loss or theft of your cell phone, since the folder is blocked for anyone does not have the access password. Learn how to set up Secure Folder on your Galaxy device.
Protect your passwords and cards with Samsung Wallet
Samsung Wallet, recently launched in Brazil, combines Samsung Pay4 and Samsung Pass, which store your cards and passwords respectively. Samsung Wallet is protected by Samsung Knox, which is security certified by leading government agencies around the world, and some Samsung Wallet items are stored in an isolated environment – the secure element, which protects once morest physical and digital intrusions.
With your data, such as passwords and cards, stored in Samsung Wallet, they are protected by encryption and are accessed following biometric recognition. This way, only the device owner can access this important information.
So, if you’re enjoying Carnival among the revelers and for some reason you disconnect from your accounts on websites and social networks, just authorize access using your biometrics. Learn how to set up Samsung Pass on your Galaxy device.
Find your Galaxy smartphone wherever it is with Find My Phone
It is possible to track your smartphone through the Search My Phone website5which finds the device even if it is not connected to the internet.
By confirming the exact location, you can then lock the smartphone and prevent strangers from accessing the device – there’s even an option to remotely wipe your data if the device can’t be recovered. Learn how to set up the Find My Phone feature.
Lock your smartphone screen
Whether by password or biometrics, it is essential to use a blocking method to protect your smartphone from unauthorized access. Samsung Galaxy devices offer multiple screen lock options: from traditional typed password to biometric data such as using fingerprint or facial recognition.
Regardless of whether you are going to enjoy the Carnival revelry indoors or outdoors, it is always recommended to leave the feature activated on your smartphone. Learn how to set up screen lock on your Galaxy device.
Share your photos, videos and files with Private Share
Not everyone wants to wait to receive the photos and videos you recorded while jumping Carnival, but that doesn’t mean completely ignoring the security of your data.
So, instead of connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, which might not be as secure, you can use the Private Share feature.6, which maintains the quality of your files and lets you choose exactly who can view them and for how long. You can also share your files quickly and with full quality and resolution through Quick Share. Learn how to use Quick Share on your Galaxy device.
Consider taking out insurance
For you to enjoy this period without any worries, in addition to tips for keeping your data safe and private, consider taking out insurance. Samsung offers Samsung Care+, which offers plans ranging from screen damage, to accidental damage, theft and aggravated theft.7 – including, one of the differentials of the service is the possibility to customize your insurance plan.
When buying a smartphone through the Samsung Online Store, you already have the option of signing the insurance, but you can also do it up to 30 days following the date of purchase of your smartphone, as stated on your Invoice. Learn more regarding Samsung Care+ by clicking this link.
Check out more regarding Samsung devices in the Online Store and stay up to date with all the latest from Samsung at Samsung Newsroom Brazil.