6 good reasons to eat alfalfa

What is Alfalfa?

L’alfalfa is the germinated seed of a herbaceous and perennial plant of the fabaceae family, the luzerne. It measures up to 80 cm high. Its leaves are silver-green in color, its flowers represent purple clusters, which then turn into pods.

What does the alfalfa contain?

” The sprouted alfalfa seedsor alfalfa, are very low calorie : regarding 15 calories per 100 g”, says Aurore Lavergnat, dietitian-nutritionist. The reason ? They are practically devoid of lipids and carbohydrates. “On the other hand, they provide bioavailable proteins since they contain the eight essential amino acids »adds the dietitian-nutritionist.

L’alfalfa also provides many vitamins. “Indeed, we find group B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D and K,says Aurore Lavergnat. Alfalfa also contains minerals : calcium and iron in a significant way, as well as magnesium, and trace elements as the sélénium and the zinc. »

That sprouted seed does not stop there in the contribution of interesting nutrients! Phytoestrogens are also found. « There is coumestrol,

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