6 facial gymnastics exercises to rejuvenate the face

It may be that, for a while, you have not stopped hearing the benefits of face gymnastics. Exercises that, according to experts, achieve prevent wrinklesbut what is better: they can tighten the skin and cause a lifting effect amazing on face and neck. And all without surgery.

And it is that, in addition to cosmetics, cabin treatments and your routine, practicing these facial gymnastics exercises helps tone muscles facials, fill wrinkles y regain strength.

Facial gymnastics to eliminate wrinkles and double chin

If you think regarding it, facial gymnastics being effective makes all the sense in the world. in the face there more than 57 muscles thatif they are exercised correctly, they will can tone and strengthen to rejuvenate the skin. In this sense, they are ideal to complete your facial care routine.

Considering this, it’s worth trying, don’t you think? Next, we reveal the best facial gymnastics exercises to put them into practice rejuvenate the face and eliminate double chin. Practice them consistently and the results will come in the medium term.


In the same way that you do in the gym, the first exercise of the routine is warm up muscles for stimulate blood circulation and make the routine more effective. Apply a small amount of vegetable oil to the palms of your hands and perform a gentle massage on face, neck and shoulders with fingers.

Wrinkle-free forehead

We start from the forehead: place the fingers of both hands on the forehead in such a way that the tips touch each other. Press up with your fingers, noticing how the eyelids, eyebrows and forehead tense. Hold the tension for ten seconds, release and relax.

Then place the index fingers on the tail of the eyebrows and stretch, holding ten seconds. Repeat two more times (three repetitions total). Finally, pinch the eyebrows from between the eyebrows out to firm the forehead and reduce wrinkles.

Rejuvenates the look

The look is one of the areas that before shows the signs of age. To reduce wrinkles, place one hand on the forehead and move your eyes in a circlewithout moving his head. This exercise will reduce eyestrain and strengthen muscles of the eye contour.

For regain strengthOpen your eyes wide and hold them while you take four deep breaths. Of course, avoid wrinkling your forehead while you do the exercise. Finally, relax the area and close your eyes to rest them.

raises the cheekbones

A marked and more defined cheekbone is everyone’s dream. To achieve this, perform the following exercise: take a breath and puff out your cheeks as much as you can. Hold for 10 seconds, breathe out, and relax. Do ten repetitions of the exercise.

Then twist your lips to the right, pulling your left cheekbone and hold for a few seconds. He performs the same movement in the opposite direction, pulling on the right cheekbone.

Eliminates lip wrinkles

Lip wrinkles, known as the Barcode, they are from more difficult to removeIn addition, they age the face a lot. To blur them, she tilts her head back, looks up, and blows an air kiss.

Repeat the same movement 10 times and relax with a deep breath. In addition to rejuvenate lipsthis exercise is also perfect for recover the firmness of the neck, refine the jaw line and eliminate double chins.

Next, make the gesture with your lips as if you were going to blow out a candle, repeat three times and relax. Finally, with your mouth closed, run your tongue around the inside of your lips, first in one direction and then in another. Repeat three times. This move is perfect for blur wrinkles in the nasolabial foldbetween the lips and the nose.

Firms and lengthens the neck

Facial gymnastics can also help you firm the skin of the neck but also lengthen it. To do this, place your fingertips at the top of your neck and gently slide down while tilting your head back. Thus, you reduce neck flaccidity and tone the jaw.

Then, with your head straight, pulls the lower jaw forward as long as you can and hold the pose while taking three deep breaths. Finally, pronounce the letter X exaggeratedly while contracting the muscles. Hold on as long as you can.

Defines the chin and eliminates double chin

The double chin is one of the most common slackness problems, both in men and women. For redefine the chinRest your elbow on a dumbbell and place your fist under your chin. With this, press down, as if you wanted to go once morest the fist. Hold six seconds and relax. Do several repetitions. Then pretend to chew several times in an exaggerated way.

next, move your head up and down as if you are affirming. As you go up, pull your head back as far as you can. Do ten repetitions and finish by raising your neck, as if you were looking at the ceiling, for five seconds.

How many times a week do you have to do facial gymnastics exercises?

In the same way as the physical exercise, the facial also requires perseverance to see results. Experts say that the key is in make it a habit and make it a minimum of 3 and 5 times a week.

As for how many minutes to spend on facial gymnastics, It will depend on the exercises you do and the results. that you want to get Ideally, start with a affordable time share and achievable, like five minutes, and increase it as facial gymnastics becomes established in your facial care routine.

Being constant, with these exercises you will improve the quality of your skin, you will recover firmness and smooth wrinkless. Join the facial gymnastics and you will see how in just two weeks your face will be more illuminated, as well as younger and stronger during the following weeks.

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