6 easy ways to improve your heart health according to a cardiologist


  • If cardiovascular diseases are the second cause of death after cancer in France, they are the first cause among women.
  • Cardiovascular diseases are pathologies that affect the heart and all the blood vessels (heart rhythm disorders, atherosclerosis, infarction, hypertension, stroke, etc.).

Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death in the world and the second in France. Most of them can be avoided by changing your lifestyle to eliminate risk factors such as sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse, junk food, obesity or smoking.

Certain gestures, good for the health of the heart, are sometimes simple to integrate into your daily life. Questioned by our colleagues from BestLifecardiologist Dr Kaustubh Dabhadkar has detailed 6 surprising ways to boost heart health.

Don’t skip breakfast

A varied and balanced diet is the key to good cardiovascular health. You have to make sure you have menus that give pride of place to fruits and vegetables, not to mention whole grains. On the other hand, it is preferable to avoid red meat and cooked dishes, all of which are very high in fat, and to focus on other sources of protein (nuts, soy, white meat, etc.) and homemade dishes (low in salt). It is also necessary to avoid junk food which promotes inflammation and cholesterol (fried foods, hamburgers, sodas, etc.). The way to avoid temptations? “Eat breakfast, says Dr. Dabhadkar. It’s the most important meal of the day and it keeps you going. I’m more likely to eat junk food if I skip breakfast”.

Laugh very regularly

Laughing regularly is a simple (and enjoyable) way to keep your heart healthy. Many studies have looked at the benefits of a good laugh. It fights the effects of stress by reducing cortisol production, stabilizing heart rate and lowering blood pressure. Moreover, the virtues of laughter go beyond cardiovascular health. It increases the amount of air ventilated and improves blood oxygenation. It is also beneficial for the immune system, sleep, digestion, tension or even libido.

write a diary

The American cardiologist also suggests keeping a diary. A study, conducted at theCambridge University in 2005, revealed that people who write between 15 and 20 min 3 to 5 times a week are less stressed than those who do not. And minimizing tension and anxiety is good for the heart.

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Exercise regularly

To help your heart stay healthy, you need to be active. However, it is not necessary to spend your days at the gym. “Even 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day reduces future risk of heart disease”says Dr. Dabhadkar.

Tip to maximize the effect: move in the morning. According to an article in The European Journal of Preventative Cardiology last November, people who exercise in the morning are 16% less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease while the risk of stroke is reduced by 17%.

Master stress

“Stress plays a key role in lifestyle-related diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity)“, explains the cardiologist. However, these promote cardiovascular pathologies such as heart attacks or strokes. It is therefore essential to fight against stress. “Meditation helps manage stress”assure l’expert.

Avoid tobacco

Both smoking and passive smoking are harmful to the heart. “Smoking harms almost every organ in your body, including your heart.”warns the American Lung Association on its website. “Smoking can cause blockages and narrowing of your arteries, which means less blood and oxygen flowing to your heart.“, adds the organization. It is thus recommended to stay away from tobacco, and to stop if you are smokers.

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