6 creative ways to use coconut oil in your health and beauty regimen

Tropical coconut oil has received a huge health spotlight in recent years. But is it well deserved? You can’t escape the coconut oil craze. People use it for cooking. They cook with it. They pour it into their coffee and spread it on their toast. They even apply it to their hair and skin, and more. It seems like there’s nothing coconut oil can’t do!

But just because ketosis enthusiasts embrace this oil doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthier than others. One thing to keep in mind when eating or cooking with coconut oil is its saturated fat content. Like other solid fats at room temperature, coconut oil is high in saturated fats, which most experts recommend limiting in the diet. Research shows that the vast majority, 90%, of the fats in coconut oil are saturated.

Although the question of how bad saturated fat is actually for your health has been debated, a systematic review of 16 clinical trials published in 2020 concluded that coconut oil causes an increased rate of LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) higher than non-tropical vegetable oils. So while it may raise heart-protective cholesterol, such as HDL, it also raises LDL cholesterol linked to heart disease risk.

This is why it is necessary to limit your consumption of saturated fats to 13 grams per day. One tablespoon of coconut oil contains regarding 11 grams of saturated fat. It is very easy to reach or exceed this limit if you use coconut oil in abundance. Plus, it leaves little room for other sources of saturated fat in your diet.

Remember that if you consume coconut oil, it should be one of several oils in your diet. No need to put it everywhere (it contains 121 calories per tablespoon, which is regarding as much as other oils). Just include it in a rotation among extra virgin olive oil, peanut oil, grapeseed oil.

But coconut oil has so many other benefits that even if you consume it in moderation, one jar might not last long! Take a look at these ways to use coconut oil from head to toe.

1. A natural treatment to soothe eczema

If you’re hoping to help control an eczema flare-up, you can try coconut oil. Due to itchy skin, scratching can potentially introduce staph bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, which requires antibiotics). In contrast, research has shown that daily application of[coconutoiltotheskinforamonthresultedina95%reductioninstaphylococciontheskinCoconutoilisfulloflauricacidwhoseantibacterialandantifungalactivityfightsharmfulbacteriaAsamoisturizeritcanalsohelprepairtheskinbarrierwhichisyourbody’sfirstlineofdefense once morestinfection[d’huiledecocosurlapeaupendantunmoisentraînaituneréductionde95%desstaphylocoquessurlapeauL’huiledecocoregorged’acidelauriquedontl’activitéantibactérienneetantifongiquecombatlesbactériesnuisiblesEntantqu’hydratantellepeutégalementaideràréparerlabarrièrecutanéequiestlapremièrelignededéfensedevotrecorpscontrelesinfections

2. Acne treatment

Along with the many other benefits of coconut oil’s antifungal and antimicrobial properties, early research indicates that it may be a reasonable option for patients with mild to moderate skin infections, particularly acne vulgaris caused by P .acnes. While coconut oil, like all others, is comedogenic, which means it can clog pores, research has also revealed that it has anti-inflammatory effects, it can protect the skin from sun rays. UV rays and can enhance the skin’s natural function as a barrier once morest environmental damage. If you have sensitive skin or are prone to acne, consult a board-certified dermatologist before trying it.

3. As a moisturizer

Coconut oil glows when applied to your skin. Coconut oil can be a great natural moisturizer that doesn’t contain added fragrance or other ingredients that can cause irritation. Research has shown that applying coconut oil to the skin twice a day for two weeks significantly improves skin hydration and is as safe as other oils. You can use coconut oil to relieve irritation and inflammation, and to decrease the risk of bacterial infections. When you get out of the shower, warm some in your hands and apply it to your legs, the back of your arms, or any other rough, dry areas.

4. For better oral health

A technique called “oil pulling” (which consists of swirling oil in the mouth) is often performed with olive oil. This can benefit people with gum or plaque problems. But you can also try coconut oil. There is reason to think that coconut oil would likely benefit the oral microbiome and oral health in general. The benefits may be due to lauric acid in coconut oil, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent tooth decay, according to a 2017 review in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary. Medical.

5. To prevent athlete’s foot

The same antifungal components in coconut oil, specifically lauric acid and caprylic acid, can help prevent other fungal infections, including athlete’s foot. Preliminary research has found encouraging antifungal activity of these compounds, but more research is needed to determine how safe and effective they may be in humans. If you exercise a lot and are concerned regarding the risk of athlete’s foot, smear your feet with coconut oil before bed (cover yourself with socks, as the oil can be greasy). As a bonus, coconut oil moisturizes the feet, as heels tend to have dry, cracked skin. Remember that the best way to fight fungal infections in gyms is to wear shoes or slippers when you shower and dry your skin well before putting on your socks and shoes.

6. Hair treatment

Applied before or following washing, coconut oil may help reduce the risk of damage from combing hair, a study has found. In a study of three oils, coconut oil was the only one that reduced protein loss from damaged or undamaged hair when used before and following washing hair. One possible explanation: The lauric acid in coconut oil easily penetrates hair proteins to help protect your hair. Use oil sparingly or you risk looking greasy (even if your mane is well moisturized).

More recent research also indicates that coconut oil can help fight dandruff. A 2021 study published in Scientific Reports found that coconut oil may help improve the health of the scalp microbiome (possibly due to its antifungal and antimicrobial properties). After treatment with coconut oil, the scalps of dandruff-prone women showed an increase in microbes negatively correlated with dandruff. More research is needed, but an occasional coconut oil hair mask probably won’t hurt.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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