5G: Latest work after public consultation | Hands on

2022-02-17 07:07:39

Preliminary expert conclusions confirmed

The updated opinion and report released today includes clarification in response to comments received. They also considered the latest available data from National Frequency Bureau (ANFR) refers to electromagnetic field exposure measured near 5G relay antennas.

These elements support the preliminary conclusion of the expertise, namely:

As 5G technology is deployed in frequency bands already used by 3G and 4G technologies (between 700 MHz and 2.1 GHz, or the 3.5 GHz band), the overall level of electromagnetic field exposure will It is equivalent to or slightly better than the existing technology. This deployment is less likely to pose new health risks than the expertise of previous generations of phones, and France has not yet exploited the band to deploy 5G; the penetrating power of the waves is much lower. However, there are currently too few data to conclude whether this is necessary; Continuous data productionespecially as the number of antennas increases and the use of 5G networks increases, monitoring the evolution of population exposure. More generally, the acquisition of new knowledge, esp. Links between exposure and health effectsalso remains crucial. Indeed, if ANSES’s ongoing work on radio frequencies, on which this latest expertise is based, shows that there is no evidence to date of health effects from current digital use, other effects such as the development of cancer, changes in brain function Or fertility continues to be a theme in the work.

In addition to its preliminary conclusions, in this latest opinion, ANSES also emphasizes the determination environmental and social impacts Digitization, 5G technology may accelerate this process.

Continuously generate new data and knowledge

To encourage the emergence of new data, the agency provides funding Twelve research projects as part of radio frequency EST reservation record (National Environmental Health Work Research Program). The specific goals of these programs are to gain new knowledge about mechanisms of action at the cellular level, physiological and health effects of radiofrequency, electromagnetic hypersensitivity and even exposure characteristics.

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