58-year-old brutally raped: Police arrested 2 suspects

The police, who only announced the case this Thursday for tactical reasons, arrested two suspects one day after the crime. A Romanian and an Italian, both 22 years old, were located in an apartment in Brigittenau via the cell phone of the victim they had stolen.

The men, who are related by marriage, denied the sexual offense and only partially confessed to the robbery. They were taken to a prison by order of the Vienna public prosecutor’s office.

The woman was on her way home near the Floridsdorf train station at around 3:15 a.m. on December 25th when the two men came towards her. Suddenly the Romanian hit the woman with his fists and the other raped her. They then stole the 58-year-old’s bag, which contained her cell phone, keys, wallet and ATM cards. The woman was seriously injured and taken to hospital by a Vienna emergency service.

The two 22-year-olds were quickly located via cell phone, according to police spokeswoman Barbara Gass. They were arrested in the Romanian’s apartment in Brigittenau. The Italian was probably there as a visitor. The two are now being investigated for rape and robbery.


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